Android OS Now Available as an Amazon Machine Image 🎉

We’ve released the very first AWS EC2 instances for Android

2 min readNov 17, 2016


What does that mean?

Well several things! First off, we’re making Android join Linux and Windows on Amazon Web Services (AWS), the most used cloud platform, in the form of an Amazon EC2 AMI (a.k.a Amazon Machine Image — check this if you don’t know what it is).

In other words, developers can finally enjoy a fully functional Android emulator on AWS EC2 instances, with a pay as you go pricing starting at around $0.40/hr. Not much huh? Yeah we thought that too 😊

Worth a thousand words, here’s how smooth it is (turn the sound on 😉).

Most importantly, we’re opening a world of infinite possibilities!

Our virtual device for AWS can integrate with any existing continuous integration infrastructure and even get embedded in a website!

By leveraging AWS APIs, you can build or extend your own solution on top of Genymotion VD for AWS.

There are many use cases for this: performance monitoring, threat detection and protection, competitive analysis, advertising, IT service management, rapid prototyping… The only limit is your imagination 😉

We’re very proud of this achievement! You can give our Android AWS EC2 instances a try at this link.

Don’t know where to start? We’ve paved the way with this small tutorial.

Let us know what you think in comments!

Hit that ❤ button if you’re as much happy as we are

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