The Vortext: Gender and AI’s Scylla and Charybdis

Geoffrey Gordon Ashbrook
2 min readSep 17, 2023


Group Monologue in an NLP Hall of Mirrors

First a general plug for some excellent books by women…

1. The Odyssey

translated and prefaced by Emily Wilson (Author)

and wonderfully performed by Claire Danes

2. Broadband by Claire L. Evans (2018)

3. Story of the ENIAC Six:

Proving Ground: The Untold Story of the Six Women Who Programmed the World’s First Modern Computer

by Kathy Kleiman (2022)

4.Invisible Women:

(A hat-tip to Michael Wooldridge for recommending this.)

What if participants in an imitation game ignored what was being said?

As a case study in navigating obstacles and in the theme of multiple participants, during experiments with a general framework for (in the spirit of Prof. Skip Ellis’s 2002 AI-Agent facilitated multi-participant meeting project, meeting with multiple AI agents (who had not been adeptly informed about the multi-participant framework for the meeting) took to creating, not responding to, all of the other participants.

Perhaps in yet another illustration of an “AI” (which is a slice of H.sapiens-human behavior) exhibiting an all too human behavior: we can see a ‘group monologue’ phenomena, which each man-splaining speaker in turn quite literally speaks for everyone else, creating a resulting transcript that without under the hood logging data is impossible to decipher in terms to which comments came from which speaker, as each AI speaker proceeded to write all other speaker’s dialogue for them.

Perhaps sometimes the word ‘your’ should be emphasized when saying “Use your words.”

Between Scylla and Charybdis

In these times peril, if we are not guided by the voices of wise women, we shall deservedly perish as the unsympathetic villains our destructive actions demonstrate us to be.


King Lear as Meeting Moderator:

“use my eyes”

“Come, let’s away to prison. We two alone will sing like birds i’ th’ cage. When thou dost ask me …So we’ll live, …and sing, and tell old tales, and laugh At gilded butterflies, and hear poor rogues Talk of court news; and we’ll talk with them too- Who loses and who wins; who’s in, who’s out- And take upon ‘s the mystery of things, “ Lear Act V, Scene 3 The British camp, near Dover.

The Council:

“When a wise man gives you better council, give me mine again. I would have none but naves follow it, since a fool gives it.”

About The Series

This mini-article is part of a series to support clear discussions about Artificial Intelligence (AI-ML). A more in-depth discussion and framework proposal is available in this github repo:

