You are Freaking out, Man

1 min readJan 16, 2015


I recently read Drew Baker’s Medium post on not hearing back from any colleges, and I can’t help but feel the same. I know people that have heard back from over 5 colleges already. I only applied to 5! I haven’t heard back from any! My only consolation is that everyone else that applied to the same schools I did has not heard back either. C’mon Clarkson and Binghamton, send me an acceptance letter! I know I've submitted all my paper work, as I've checked over and over again to make sure that the colleges received everything. I guess its just a waiting game. Hopefully I hear back soon, because waiting for an answer is slowly killing me. A part inside me dies a little bit more every time I hear someone talking about another school he got accepted into, while I've heard nothing. Also, shoutout to Drewby for the Super Troopers reference.

