US Congress reassures bipartisan support to Georgia

Embassy of Georgia to US
2 min readFeb 28, 2017


US CODEL in Tbilisi

US Congressman Peter Roskam and David Price offered to the Head of the Georgian Government assurances of bipartisan commitment from US Congress towards Georgia. We are determined to continue supporting Georgia’s democratic development, institutional empowerment, and European and Euro-Atlantic integration — US representatives stated in Tbilisi.

On February 24–26, US Congress Delegation composed of the Congressmen: Peter Roskam (Illinois), David Price (North Caroline), Gerry Connolly (Virginia) and Adrian Smith (Nebraska) visited Georgia to meet with the Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili, Chairman of the Parliament Mr. Irakli Kobakhidze and Members of Parliament. CODEL Roskam is visited Georgia as a part of the House Democracy Partnership (HDP).

US delegation commended Georgia’s progress and reforms implemented by the Government, and emphasized the importance of Georgia-US bilateral relations and sound partnership.

“We had a very productive meeting, and the first thing that we discussed is that we represent a bipartisan commitment in the US Congress toward Georgia. We came here to make that assurance of a commitment to Georgia’s integrity as a country and its moves toward Western-style democracy, and all the good things that are happening. We had a very positive exchange of views,” said Congressman Peter Roskam.

Congressman David Price reiterated Georgia’s unconditional support on behalf of the US Congress: “We are committed to this country, and we are very appreciative of Georgia’s affection for our country. We know that this is a mutual admiration. We want to strengthen it in every way we can. Since we were here last year, both of our countries have had major elections, and we wanted to come back as soon as we could after these elections to offer our assurances that our parliamentary partnership is sound, and that we are determined to continue this friendship.”

“The Congressmen once again confirmed intact support of USA to Georgia which is paramount for us”, — noted first Deputy Chairperson of Parliament, Ms. Tamar Chugoshvili, who recently visited US on her official tour and met over twenty Senate and House representatives on February 6–8th.

