PeopleTools ATT: A Comprehensive Guide

5 min readNov 5, 2023


If you are looking for a software solution that can help you manage your PeopleSoft applications and data, you might have heard of PeopleTools ATT. But what exactly is PeopleTools ATT, and how can it benefit your business? In this article, we will answer these questions and more. We will explain what PeopleTools ATT is, what are its benefits and features, and how to use it effectively. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of PeopleTools ATT and how it can transform your HR technology.

What is PeopleTools ATT?

PeopleTools ATT (Application Technology Tools) is a comprehensive suite of software tools provided by Oracle Corporation. These tools are designed to enhance the development, customization, and management of applications built on Oracle’s PeopleSoft platform1. PeopleTools ATT can be used for both on-premise and cloud-based installations, making it easy to integrate with your existing systems2. PeopleTools ATT is compatible with various operating systems, databases, web servers, and browsers, ensuring high performance and reliability.

The benefits of PeopleTools ATT

PeopleTools ATT offers many benefits for businesses that use PeopleSoft applications and data. Some of these benefits are:

  • Improved productivity and efficiency: PeopleTools ATT allows you to create, modify, and deploy PeopleSoft applications faster and easier. You can use drag-and-drop features, graphical interfaces, and code generators to simplify the development process. You can also automate tasks such as testing, debugging, and migration using PeopleTools ATT.
  • Enhanced security and compliance: PeopleTools ATT helps you protect your PeopleSoft applications and data from unauthorized access and misuse. You can define user roles, permissions, and access levels using PeopleTools ATT. You can also encrypt, audit, and monitor your data using PeopleTools ATT.
  • Increased flexibility and scalability: PeopleTools ATT enables you to adapt your PeopleSoft applications and data to changing business needs and requirements. You can customize the look and feel functionality, and behavior of your applications using PeopleTools ATT. You can also integrate your applications with other systems and platforms using PeopleTools ATT.
  • Reduced costs and risks: PeopleTools ATT helps you save time and money by reducing the need for manual intervention and external resources. You can use PeopleTools ATT to manage your applications and data from a single point of control. You can also troubleshoot and resolve issues faster and easier using PeopleTools ATT.

The features of PeopleTools ATT

PeopleTools ATT consists of several tools that provide different functions and capabilities for your PeopleSoft applications and data. Some of the main tools are:

Application Designer

Application Designer is a tool that allows you to create and modify the components of your PeopleSoft applications, such as pages, records, fields, menus, and components. You can use Application Designer to design the user interface, data structure, and business logic of your applications. You can also use Application Designer to generate code, test, debug, and migrate your applications.

Application Engine

Application Engine is a tool that allows you to create and run batch processes and background tasks for your PeopleSoft applications. You can use Application Engine to perform complex calculations, data transformations, and integrations. You can also use Application Engine to schedule, monitor, and manage your processes.


PeopleCode is a tool that allows you to write and execute custom code for your PeopleSoft applications. You can use PeopleCode to add functionality, logic, and validation to your applications. You can also use PeopleCode to interact with other PeopleTools ATT tools, such as Application Engine, Integration Broker, and Query.

Integration Broker

Integration Broker is a tool that allows you to connect and exchange data between your PeopleSoft applications and other systems and platforms. You can use Integration Broker to create and consume web services, RESTful services, and messaging services. You can also use Integration Broker to transform and route data using various formats and protocols.

Process Scheduler

Process Scheduler is a tool that allows you to run and manage your PeopleSoft processes, such as Application Engine, SQR, COBOL, and Crystal Reports. You can use Process Scheduler to schedule, execute, and monitor your processes. You can also use Process Scheduler to view and analyze the results and logs of your processes.


Query is a tool that allows you to create and run queries to retrieve data from your PeopleSoft databases. You can use Query to build simple or complex queries using graphical or SQL interfaces. You can also use Query to export, import, and share your queries.


Security is a tool that allows you to control and manage the access and permissions of your PeopleSoft users, roles, and data. You can use Security to define user profiles, passwords, roles, and permissions. You can also use Security to encrypt, audit, and monitor your data.


Reporting is a tool that allows you to create and generate reports and charts for your PeopleSoft data. You can use Reporting to design, format, and distribute your reports and charts. You can also use Reporting to integrate your reports and charts with other PeopleTools ATT tools, such as Query, Integration Broker, and Process Scheduler.

How to use PeopleTools ATT?

To use PeopleTools ATT effectively, you need to follow some steps and best practices. These steps and best practices are:

Installation and configuration

The first step is to install and configure PeopleTools ATT on your system. You need to ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements and specifications for PeopleTools ATT. You also need to install and configure the required components and dependencies for PeopleTools ATT, such as databases, web servers, and browsers. You can refer to the official documentation and guides from Oracle for more details and instructions on how to install and configure PeopleTools ATT.

Development and customization

The next step is to develop and customize your PeopleSoft applications and data using PeopleTools ATT. You need to use the appropriate tools and features for your development and customization needs and objectives. You also need to follow the coding standards and conventions for PeopleTools ATT. You can refer to the official documentation and guides from Oracle for more details and instructions on how to develop and customize your PeopleSoft applications and data using PeopleTools ATT.

Management and maintenance

The final step is to manage and maintain your PeopleSoft applications and data using PeopleTools ATT. You need to use the appropriate tools and features for your management and maintenance needs and objectives. You also need to perform regular backups, updates, and audits for your PeopleSoft applications and data. You can refer to the official documentation and guides from Oracle for more details and instructions on how to manage and maintain your PeopleSoft applications and data using PeopleTools ATT.


PeopleTools ATT is a powerful and versatile software solution that can help you manage your PeopleSoft applications and data. It offers many benefits and features that can improve your productivity, efficiency, security, compliance, flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. It also provides you with a user-friendly and intuitive interface that can simplify and automate your development, customization, and management tasks. If you are looking for a software solution that can transform your HR technology, you should consider PeopleTools ATT.

