Hiking Le Morne, Mauritius

Geri Moore
3 min readFeb 24, 2019


Hiking Le Morne Brabant may at first seem not particularly challenging only being 556m tall, however it is no small feat. The 7km round trip takes 3–4 hours and is both well rewarded with the spectacular view but you’ll be able to claim the triumph of climbing one of the highest peaks in Africa’s most easterly country.

Le Morne Peninsula

To find the start of the trail follow the signs to Le Morne trail entrance, approximately one kilometre down a dirt track from the main road (this is pinpointed exactly on google maps — and drivable). The track will lead you to a very basic visitors entrance where you are required to sign in and out. I had read several sources stating that a permit is required to climb to the summit or a guide is necessary to take you beyond the prohibited area, neither are true (as of March 2019).

Entrance to Le Morne hiking trail

The first two thirds of the hike are fairly easy, the only challenge is the upwards trek with the heat, I’d recommend arriving as early as possible. The gates are open from 7am until 4pm.

The hike becomes challenging once you reach the sign that says “experienced climbers only”. Once past the sign and the green fence, continue along the very narrow pathway and you’ll reach a fork by the cliff face, remain on the path that leads you to the left.

From here a lot of scrambling is required. Once you’ve climbed up the south easterly facing cliff, there is a brief drop that takes you into the shade. From here you only have about another 200m to go, and although it looks dauntingly steep it very much worth it. Information available on the internet states there are ropes to help this part of the climb, but they have since been removed. I was close to turning back at this point as the heat was blistering, the rocks were almost too hot to touch and the climb was already very difficult, however the people ahead said that they were nearly there. I knew I’d be disappointed if I didn’t make it and I’m glad that I continued. I’d also like emphasise that the climb down is a great deal easier.

The top of Le Morne is one of the best places to be truly captivated by the island. There are 90 mountains that shape the island, their peaks dominate the skyline. Surrounded by luscious jungle and giant foliage, the scene resembles something out of prehistoric times. Look south into the never ending blues and turquoise’s of the Indian Ocean and it’s quite possible that you are standing in one of the best spots to admire one of nature’s most beautiful creations.


