GetBounty — NO IPO/ICO/Crowdsale

4 min readApr 12, 2017


What is Bounty (XBTY)?
Bounty (XBTY) it’s just a digital token, an ERC20 Standard Token on Ethereum blockchain and it’s fully compatible with all Ethereum wallets which support ERC20 Tokens or smart-contracts that uses the ERC20 Standard. Can be used as coins, certificates, IOUs, in game credits, currency for services, etc. It has no value by itself, implemented and used on various services tho it’s another story.

Why not another IPO/ICO/Crowdsale
We hate ICOs as the majority of them are ending raising a lot of money in advance without offering anything of value.

Brain crunching a fancy idea, write a fancier whitepaper and pay somebody to write some basic functions for your github is very easy, anybody can do that and it starts to feel like anybody is doing that already by the number of ICOs appearing over night.

“Don’t ask for my money in advance, go develop your service, release it and prove that it’s working. It doesn’t require that many millions of dollars upfront. After you proved yourself come back and ask for millions to advertise yourself on the market”

What are your future plans for GetBounty project?
We are not rushing anything at the moment, we have a few ideas and something on the table under development. Our main goal is to develop as many services as possible and also have the community to join and help us do so.

In our available free time we are developing those services for XBTY Token to increase the demand and hopefully it’s value on the long term, treating this as an open-source business where the community can join.

Currently we are working on:

  • A P2P VPN service where you can host an Exit-Node and get paid with XBTY by anybody who’s using your Exit-Node as a VPN connection (streaming Netflix in countries where it’s not available, browse safely while connected to public WIFI or other untrusted networks, etc);
  • An online Poker Holdem game (We are still planning if to use XBTY directly as chips or to use XBTY to buy chips and cash-out chips for XBTY);
  • An online Business or Service directory database where you can post information about your bitcoin/ethereum based business or service to increase your online visibility. This service will require XBTY to post your business/service, increasing demand for XBTY;
  • An online magazine with blockchain-tech related articles (similar to Coindesk). Advertorials and Banner ads will be paid in XBTY;

More ideas are on the table and we are very open to more ideas from you.

Bounty (XBTY) Distribution from the total of 3,141,592

The majority of tokens will be distributed for “free” as bounties for social media campaigns, forums signature advertising, bounties for translations, bounties for writing articles about our project on blogs, bounties for advertising through banner ads or other marketing strategies and bounties for helping us with development of services for XBTY token.

  • (20%) Twitter campaign — 628,318 XBTY
  • (5%) Facebook campaign — 157,080 XBTY
  • (15%) Forum signature campaign — 471,238 XBTY
  • (5%) Translation bounties — 157,079 XBTY
  • (20%) Blog/Media article bounties — 628,317 XBTY
  • (10%) Marketing bounties — 314,159 XBTY
  • (10%) Development bounties — 314,159 XBTY
  • (15%) GetBounty Team — 471,231 XBTY

Token information

Blockchain: Ethereum blockchain
Token name: Bounty
Token symbol: XBTY
Total supply: 3,141,592
Contract source-code: View source-code
Block explorer: View block explorer

How to use Bounty (XBTY) with Ethereum wallet

  1. Download official Ethereum wallet — Download

2. Click on “Contracts”

3. Click on “Watch Token”

4. Insert token information

  • Token contract address: 0x22a3B451d60A72388a37c97Bc517E44ad76A50F7
  • Token name: Bounty
  • Token symbol: XBTY
  • Decimals places of smallest unit: 18

How to use Bounty (XBTY) with

  1. Click on “Add custom token”

2. Insert token information:

  • Address: 0x22a3B451d60A72388a37c97Bc517E44ad76A50F7
  • Token symbol: XBTY
  • Decimal: 18




Bounty (XBTY) - Decentralized TOKEN on Ethereum blockchain, distributed through campaigns. A fuel for various projects driven by the community.