10 Sports you can Play Right This Minute!

5 min readMay 21, 2016


Did someone say ‘play’?!

If you ever told your parents in school that you wanted to be a footballer there’s a good chance your decision wasn’t well appreciated and you were told to go finish your algebra. Sports is something you play when you’re done with homework, classes, tuition, projects, entrance exams, mock exams, preliminary exams…. in short, never. Or, it’s something you do when you are balding and pot-bellied and rich enough to afford paying the obnoxious fees of the local sports club. Playing for two hours every evening in some empty plot is just not normal acceptable behavior anymore.

And for good reason perhaps — there are practically no open spaces or public sports facilities in our cities that haven’t turned into marriage lawns and most of us don’t remember the last the time we had time to play for two hours straight (or actually did anything for 2 hours straight what with all the ADHD). With the kind of schedules we have these days, it’ll take about 3 years to assemble enough people to play a game of cricket and anyway, who wants to go out and play when there’s a match on TV right now?

For these and many other reasons (read: excuses) we categorically stick to playing on our smartphones. The football you once had looks nothing like a sphere now, dogs use your bicycle for unmentionable things and that badminton racket sits there behind the cupboard losing it’s strings. The racket is dying.

So, if Phoebe can, you can too. Here’s a list of 10 sports that don’t need any planning or huge spaces or expensive equipment — and the best part — you mostly already know how to play them.

1. Cricket in the lanes

Let’s face it — if cricket isn’t on the top of this list, then the authority of this article and the patriotism of the author stand to be severely compromised. But then again, it is a sport everyone knows, and plays or has played — with great ingenuity that too. I’ve seen people play cricket with rubber balls, plastic balls, tennis balls and in one instance, a ping-pong ball too. So it doesn’t matter what you have at home — bat, stick, plank of wood, pipe — bring it out, find 2–3 other weirdos like you and start!

2. Badminton

As a kid, if you didn’t play badminton in your housing society or apartment till 12 in the night during your summer holidays, you had a highly questionable childhood. Relive those awesome summer vacations! Bust out them rackets, find a partner and get going. The best part about this game is that while you start of as a duo, soon enough — the whole neighbourhood wants to join in.

3. Carrom

There is seriously no home in the city that doesn’t or didn’t have a carrom board at some point of time. You also do, it’s just that nobody remembers where it is now. Well get hunting — find the board, buy the coins and striker if you have to and well, keep your cat out of the way.

4. Dodgeball

Okay, maybe Ben Stiller took it too far, and you need not get so competitive, but our home-made version of dodgeball is about the most fun game you can ever play. Admitted, you do need a team going for this one, but after an hour or so of badminton, there’s going to be enough people assembled around for you to try the simpler desi version of dodgeball — where everyone stands in a circle and throws balls at the guy(s) in the centre.

5. Mini-football

Unfortunately (or fortunately) artificial mini-football turfs are far more easily available these days than open grounds with any grass. Find one near you, grab a few enthu cutlets and get started. You need no more than 3–4 players each side (‘coz well, that’s the size of the field you’ll get) and for a fee, you can have your very own mini-tournament.

Image courtesy of Pritesh Patil

6. Frisbee

Or, the ‘Flying Saucer’ as most of us called it all through school before Friends or Baywatch taught us what is was actually called. Frisbee comes in very close behind dodgeball when it comes to having atrocious amounts of fun. In fact, since you need no more than 2 people to play it, it’ll probably be the easiest sport to have fun with. I mean, even cats are good at it!

7. Volleyball/Throwball

There’s a reason beach volleyball is so popular in the US (and no it’s not what you think). It’s great fun, it’s highly competitive, gives you a super adrenaline rush and no, it’s not that difficult. You don’t have to go all pro, simply whacking the ball around is just as much fun, particularly when it’s (innocently) aimed at the opponent’s head!

8. Cycling

What with all the Roadies and the Motorcycle Diaries and the Enfielding, people have started to seriously underestimate the sheer joy of pedaling a bike. Not on crowded city roads in the middle of the noon — that’s a sheer nightmare. But cycling up a local hill, cycle-trekking or even a midnight cycle trail (with the right stops at all the 24 hour eateries in town — speak of a food ride!). Get a group going and plan monthly (if not weekly) rides to great trekking spots near the city!

Atta girl!

9. Tag

Whether it was pakda pakdi, kho kho or whatever you fancied— tag games are the official sport of childhood. Sure, it may not sound as sophisticated, but did you know there are actual pro leagues for tag sports around the world? Kho kho in particular is a hugely popular sport, and guarantees a riotous time, especially with a huge gang. And if you’re a little short of people, pick out any other tag game from memory lane and go for it!

10. Running

When all else fails — run. You my friend are going to run the marathon this year. All you need is a nice pair of running shoes and some company to keep you motivated. Alternately a bridal dress and a (slow) running train will do too.

Whatever your choice of sport, find company for it on Brigge. Check out Brigge here.

