Hate Budgeting? Try These 5 Money Management AppsBudgets. Love or hate them, they’re essential for smart money management. If budgets aren’t your thing, check out 5 apps that take the…Oct 3, 2018Oct 3, 2018
How To Make Money Buying Shares For Beginners“How do investors make money with shares? What should I know as a beginner investor?”Oct 3, 2018Oct 3, 2018
How To Save $830,000. Will It Buy You Financial Freedom?A recent NAB survey reveals most Aussie’s believe $830,000 is their ‘magic’ number to be financially free.Jul 25, 2018Jul 25, 2018
A New Economy: Sharing Stuff, Buying Less, Investing EarlyHere’s how Aussie millennials are sharing, spending and investing differently than generations before them.Jun 27, 2018Jun 27, 2018
FirstStep a finalist at the 2018 FinniesFirstStep has been chosen as a finalist in the FinTech Australia ‘Finnies’ https://fintechaustralia.org.au) for Best Workplace Diversity…Jun 12, 2018Jun 12, 2018
Investing 101: 5 fast facts every beginner should knowInvesting is an incredible wealth building tool and believe us when we say; you don’t need to be rich to get started.May 31, 2018May 31, 2018
Will Aussies turn to digital money tools after royal commission revelations?As the royal commission lifts the lid on outrageous misconduct in the banking, superannuation and financial services industry, Aussie’s…May 10, 2018May 10, 2018
Smart money moves for financial independenceReaching true financial independence takes commitment and patience.Apr 24, 2018Apr 24, 2018
Need help saving? 4 tips to turn your finances aroundDespite stagnating wage growth, rising mortgage debts and increasing bank fees many Aussies are still finding clever ways to save and build…Apr 16, 2018Apr 16, 2018
Getting started with FirstStep — Part 5We’ve put this ‘Getting Started’ guide to help you get started with the FirstStep app (iOS / Android). In Part 5, we focus on important…Apr 16, 2018Apr 16, 2018