100 Inspirational Online Marketing Quotes for Marketers

Get Found Online
12 min readNov 2, 2017


Online marketing has taken the internet by storm. No longer do businesses have to rely on traditional marketing and advertising to get their products/services seen by their target audience. Getting a business found online is as simple as a single click now!

And there are those select online marketers who know all there is to know about online marketing strategies and best practices. In this article, we’ve compiled words of wisdom from the top internet marketing gurus of the world.

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100 Thought Provoking Online Marketing Quotes

1. Online is old news. Online in social media is today’s news … Social media is not a subset of the internet. Social media is the internet. — Sean Case

2. Opportunities in social media marketing seem boundless; the best do not seek to disrupt conversations but to integrate — to add something useful and compelling. — Nuri Djavit

3. Good content isn’t about good storytelling. It’s about telling a true story well. — Ann Handley

4. A blog with a business backend (i.e. products to sell and a method to sell them) is the key to a six-figure income as a blogger. — David Risley

5. The internet affords a level of relationship with consumers hitherto unfathomable. — Lucas Donat

6. Companies are rushing headlong into content today, and rightly so. It’s a battle to get noticed online amidst the noise and crowds. — Adam Audette

7. Marketing is telling the world you’re a rock star. Content Marketing is showing the world you are one. — Robert Rose

8. The three essential elements of an effective SEO are effective communication, useful information and high quality backlinks. — SEO Refugee

9. Running with the herd is not always a great idea; be unique, and the links will come. — Debra Mastaler

10. Your top of the funnel content must be intellectually divorced from your product but emotionally wed to it. — Joe Chernov

11. Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue. — Andrew Davis

12. Marketing is really just about sharing your passion. — Michael Hyatt

13. A blog is only as interesting as the interest shown in others. — Lee Odden

14. Just as you don’t need to be on every single TV channel, I don’t believe a brand needs to be on every single social media one in a big way. — Shiv Singh

15. Sell-sell-sell sales methods simply do not work on social media. — Kim Garst

16. Authenticity, honesty, and personal voice underlie much of what’s successful on the Web. — Rick Levine

17. Connect, create meaning, make a difference, matter, be missed. — Seth Godin

18. It’s much easier to double your business by doubling your conversion rate than by doubling your traffic. — Jeff Eisenberg

19. Content is king, but marketing is queen, and runs the household. — Gary Vaynerchuk

20. You have to start with the basic premise that you need to know what your competition is doing. — Guy Kawasaki

21. Today it’s not about ‘get the traffic’ — it’s about ‘get the targeted and relevant traffic.’ — Adam Audette

22. Never forget social media is for reach but email is for revenue. — Bryan Eisenberg

23. Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend. — Mark Zuckerberg

24. Create something people want to share. — John Jantsch

25. Selling stuff is easy. All you gotta do is give away stuff that makes people happy …and then sell stuff that makes ’em even happier. — Frank Kern

26. Stop selling. Start helping. — Zig Ziglar

27. The next time you hear a social media myth, question it. Ask for the proof, and ask out loud. — Dan Zarrella

28. The Internet makes money for you when you build something that is real and when it matters to people! — Darren Rowse

29. My rule of thumb is build a site for a user, not a spider. — Dave Naylor

30. What makes content engaging is relevancy. — Gail Goodman

31. Care about your customers more than about yourself, and you’ll do well. — Derek Sivers

32. Marketers need to build digital relationships and reputation before closing a sale. — Chris Brogan

33. This is the era of less is more with SEO. — Adam Audette

34. Write good content about stuff that you love. Readers will find you. — Michael Arrington

35. The secret to getting results from your social networking is to act like a member, not a marketer. — Mari Smith

36. New marketing is about the relationships, not the medium. — Ben Grossman

37. If you want to continually grow your blog, you need to learn to blog on a consistent basis. — Neil Patel

38. A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is — it is what consumers tell each other it is. — Scott Cook

39. The brands that can connect with client in a real way will win. — Gary Vaynerchuk

40. Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers. — Seth Godin

41. Content is King but engagement is Queen, and the lady rules the house! — Mari Smith

42. The paradox is the more info you give away, the more people will buy what you have to give… — Brian Clark

43. Don’t build links. Build relationships. — Rand Fishkin

44. Traditional marketing talks at people. Content marketing talks with them. — Doug Kessler

45. It is essential that marketers dig deeper into search, social, local mobile data to understand how they all work in tandem to impact ranking. — Jim Yu

46. Part of why you love your parents is because they loved you first, brands need to do that. — Gary Vaynerchuk

47. Getting the Like is easy. It’s a light action. Anything else requires trust. — Jon Loomer

48. You can’t push your sales messages on your fans too often. — Andrea Vahl

49. Since people tend to share links (content) that affect them emotionally, it’s more important than ever to understand the demographic you’re selling to. — Debra Mastaler

50. Incorporate easy email marketing strategies with your Facebook efforts to see bigger results (aka profits!). — Amy Porterfield

51. Word of mouth can be as important, if not more important, for neighborhood businesses as traditional advertising. — Ekaterina Walter

52. Empower your readers with social sharing buttons. — Mike Stelzner

53. The best marketing doesn’t feel like marketing. — Tom Fishburne

54. Content is not king, but a president elected by the votes of those whom it aims to rule. — Raheel Farooq

55. Create a link through which you can market your dream products. Create a blog or a website of your own depending on what you want to be recognized for. Share your experiences through these media. — Israelmore Ayivor

56. The social media web is a very noisy one indeed and making sure that you are heard requires you to shout more effectively, rather than louder. — David Amerland

57. The objective is not to “make your links appear natural”; the objective is that your links are natural. — Matt Cutts

58. I don’t want to go viral, I want to set hearts on fire. — Coco J. Ginger

59. Content marketing needs to be at the heart of your SEO efforts. It has always been that way, but is even more so now because Google is so much more effective at understanding the context of content and how it is shared, etc. — Chris Bennett

60. Where the Internet is about availability of information, blogging is about making information creation available to anyone. — George Siemens

61. There are tons of different factors that go into ranking well, but the biggest is high-quality content. — David Sinick

62. What you do after you create your content is what truly counts. — Gary Vaynerchuk

63. Blogging and traditional media work together. Twitter complements traditional media. — Evan Williams

64. Making money from blogging requires you to do only two things: drive a lot traffic, then maximize the income from that traffic. — John Chow

65. Content is fire, social media is gasoline. — Jay Baer

66. I think there’s two ways to make money online. One way is by selling other people’s stuff, the other way is by selling your stuff. — Jeff Walker

67. The future of SEO is here: understanding and marketing to specific and defined audiences through search engines. — Adam Audette

68. Unfortunately, blogging generally requires a lot of work! Gaining a large readership for your business blog requires much of your attention and a big dose of patience. — Chadrack Irobogo

69. It’s a good idea to understand how to work [Bing and Google] for maximum SEO and ranking benefit. — Debra Mastaler

70. Blogging is definitely a long term grind and probably the slowest and most painstaking way to make money online. Of course without it any business will struggle to build a presence and momentum (online). — Alex Whalley

71. There are tons of different factors that go into ranking well, but the biggest is high-quality content. — David Sinick

72. Blogging is good for your career. A well-executed blog sets you apart as an expert in your field. — Penelope Trunk

73. Your ultimate consumers are your users, not search engines. — Google

74. Social is the way our work gets discovered. Content that is truly exceptional, unique, and useful can earn tremendous awareness through social media, and that social amplification often leads to great links, which leads to great rankings. — Rand Fishkin

75. The days of SEO being a game outsmarting algorithms are over. Today content strategy and valuable, sustainable strategies are essential, not just tricks and links. — Adam Audette

76. We should be thinking about social and search as channels that need a unified approach, because the best content should appeal to both channels and the cross-over benefits/economies of scale are potentially huge. — Will Critchlow

77. Content marketing is more than a buzzword. It is the hottest trend in marketing because it is the biggest gap between what buyers want and brands produce. — Michael Brenner

78. A company that builds a loyal social following has a built-in army to promote their content, day in and day out. That content will get shared, get links, send social signals…all of which can’t be a bad thing. — Will Reynolds

79. Everything you do has to drive content, and the rest takes care of itself. — Chris Bennett

80. Organizations who can’t match up in content creation and promotion may find themselves losing out to content marketers who learn the basics of SEO. — Rand Fishkin

81. Content is the key, because it’s how a website creates an online experience. — Adam Audette

82. Content comes in many forms; we tend to think of written content when the term is used, but the reality is, video and image content can be more useful when it comes to influencing search and social results. — Debra Mastaler

83. Integrating your online marketing efforts is all about breaking down silos and delivering amazing results. Social and SEO marketers are a big part of this. — Jim Yu

84. Integrating your search and social efforts brings better brand visibility and higher conversion rates. — Jim Yu

85. The currency of blogging is authenticity and trust. — Jason Calacanis

86. People will come to your site because you have good compelling content. You need to hit it from all angles: blog posts, articles, graphs, data, infographics, interactive content — even short pictures when you tweet. — Chris Bennett

87. It’s a good idea to understand how to work [Bing and Google] for maximum SEO and ranking benefit. — Debra Mastaler

88. Here’s the thing: the term ‘content marketing’ is just a rebranding of what good digital marketers already know and have been acting on for years. — Marshall Simmonds

89. The first thing you need to decide when you build your blog is what you want to accomplish with it, and what it can do if successful. — Ron Dawson

90. Stay focused on creating engaging content experiences and impress visitors with thoughtful usability, making their job (answering their question) easier. — Duane Forrester

91. Successful blogging is not about one time hits. It’s about building a loyal following over time. — David Aston

92. It is no coincidence that the increasing focus on content marketing closely follows the significant Google algorithmic changes aiming to give users a better search experience. — Jim Yu

93. Even the best SEOs are not magicians. They can’t simply place a site at the top of the engines when there are hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of others that offer basically the same thing, and provide basically the same information. If they could, you’d see a whole lot more millionaire SEOs. — Jill Whalen

94. Content Marketing has become the catalyst that fuels search and social media activity. — Jim Yu

95. Search engine optimizers are the future’s most successful real estate tycoons. Our formidable capabilities have provided us with an incredible opportunity to gather great viewers at an inexpensive cost. — Brian Provost

96. Search engine optimization plays a major role in the language of the World Wide Web as a noun, verb and adjective. — Todd Malicoat

97. Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first. — Wendy Piersall

98. SEO gets the visitor to the door. It’s up to your site’s content to welcome and retain that visitor. — John I

99. Selling to people through social media is like going to a party, meeting somebody for the first time, and then saying, “Hey, do you want to buy this Tupperware?” — Pat Flynn

100. Good SEO work only gets better over time. It’s only search engine tricks that need to keep changing when the ranking algorithms change. — Jill Whalen

We hope this collection of online marketing quotes motivates you, and empowers the online marketing strategy for your business.

Originally Published in Get Found Online Blog on May 2, 2015



Get Found Online

Get Found Online is an established internet marketing company that offers a variety of online marketing services. http://getfoundonline.in/