50,000 Users, Early Buyer Bonus and the Attention Economy

3 min readJan 5, 2016


GetGems update #20 — January 4, 2016

Hello Everyone,

It has been one year since we began developing GetGems and over a month since our last update, so we are about to catch up on our communication. There is a great deal to celebrate and many new and exciting announcements will be rolling out over the next few months.

50,000 plus users — We have your Attention

With over 50,000 signups on iOS, Android and now the web version of GetGems, the Attention Economy is preparing to take off. Watch for announcements.

AirDrops and the Early Buyers Airdrops

AirDrops have been tested with small amounts of Gems based on participation and referrals. We are going to be extending the airdrop mechanism. Today we allocate Airdrops to users that invited active users, however since we have active users which were not invited by anyone, we will consider those as if they had been invited by the Early Buyers. So early buyers will get the Airdrop allocation for the active users that were not invited by anyone. This is not one time but will happen every day.

The full airdrop based on the 27,500 per day has not started yet. We are currently dropping 2750 gems a day. we will increase it once we have the early buyers allocation implemented.

Note: While we are allocating 2750 gems, not all of them are being collected by the users. A user with a “grant” has 24 hours to claim it, if not, the grant will be deleted. A “grant” applies to the Daily Bonus and Daily Airdrop. In the future, the Daily Bonus may be removed as it is replaced by the Daily Airdrop.

People should understand that they can get a lot of Gems if they invite in users that will stay active. If not, the early buyers will get the grant. To make it clear — if an Early Buyer user invited active users, he will be granted for the active users he invited and for the active users without inviter.

If you are one of the hundreds of Gems’ Early Buyers, you are now aware that the Early Buyer Bonus is about to be distributed. If you have not set up a GetGems wallet yet, simply download the app and start the ball rolling.

Web Client

GetGems desktop users have been very pleased with the GetGems Web Client. If you have not tried the browser version, go to Web.GetGems.org and complete the same signup process as you do on your mobile device.

Gems Keyboard (Android)

A P2P App

The latest version of Gems Keyboard has been transformed into a whole peer to peer payment app. Now you can also send Gems and request Gems from your contacts, all from within the app.

Description for Transactions

If you decide to transfer Gems from within the app, you can add a description for each transaction.

Deposit & Withdraw Gems

As part of the major UI changes we have moved the deposit and withdraw functionality to the Profile/Settings screen.

UI improvements

We have included the transaction history and details a much needed makeover, hope you’ll like it.

FB Contest Winner of 10,000 Gems

The Facebook contest winner for the largest number of registered qualified signups during the month of December was Kristijan Glavanović


See you on GetGems!

Daniel Peled — peled1986 — daniel@getgems.org




Easily Send and Receive GEMZ or Ƀitcoin by message with GetGems now for iOS http://apple.co/1OEecdZ and Android http://bit.ly/1JgKLbN.