How to become one of the Top 100 Billboard Artists?

2 min readFeb 25, 2020


Best Music Promotion Agency in 2020
Photo by Billetto Editorial on Unsplash

A lot of new music artists have been envious of the other rising established musicians and trying their luck by launching new albums regularly and spamming the crap out of it on Social Media in the hopes of it getting viral automatically.

Does it really work like that?
Does every Justin find their Usher by sheer luck?

Or is there something which they’re missing out on?
If yes, what is it? What is that music artists need apart from good music?

In 2020, even some of the best music agencies are confused. Social Media has taken over, YouTube has turned into a streaming app for premium users and free users don’t mind the video playing in the background rather than buying the song on iTunes.

How do you deal with things like these and go beyond them to achieve success? Let’s understand this with an easier example.

You have written a series of 13 books and you head to the nearby stores and Amazon to get them listed. After showing them samples, explaining how awesome your books are and how long you’ve been writing them and a lot of other struggles, you finally manage to rack them up there.

What now? Do the books sell automatically? They don’t.

Similarly, when you launch a new album with several tracks and get them listed on different music platforms, they don’t start selling themselves.

In this age where a new track is released every 40 seconds, marketing a track is more than important than creating a track.

With the rise of searches in Google for keywords like buy Spotify streams, buy Apple Music plays, buy iTunes plays, buy Shazam plays with thousands of agencies to choose from, it’s only getting more and more difficult for the individual music artist to do everything by themselves.

Check your phone and open the top charts of Spotify, most listened to albums of Apple Music, global hits of iTunes and not all the music sounds insane? Or does it because it’s in the top list now?

Each and every artist on that list focuses on just one thing. Pure Music.
100% Dedication to what they do.

And rather than stressing themselves out with several old-school promotion strategies, all of them have a premium music agency working for them helping them boost their plays on iTunes and streams on Spotify. And every artist should as the premium marketing agencies know their game well.

The best music promotion agency in 2020 is right there somewhere on the Internet, you just need to look for it at the right place. That would be your key to success and the jumpstart of your journey in becoming one of the top 100 artists on Billboard.




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