Getahead podcast klaxon!

3 min readDec 11, 2018


In other news, we could not be more excited to announce that the one and only Santero will be launching “Getahead — Behind The Curtain”, a new podcast series, coming soon. For announcements it’s best to sign up to the email Getahead newsletter at

Superstar DJ Santero AKA Will Kirby

Why a podcast?

We want to peek “behind the curtain” of people’s lives to find out what really goes on…the good, the bad and the ugly.

The podcast will be long form conversations featuring super-interesting guests & friends of Getahead (we already have some super exciting people lined up).

Why “behind the curtain”?

It’s apparent that we — as humans — perceive everyone else around us as being ‘sorted’, having their lives together.

This is put on rocket-boosters by the personas projected on social media. Instagram shots are an edit of our lives, not real life. But we swallow these Stories wholesale. We see the superstar DJ, the rock star tech-CEO, the super-Mom and think…”why am I such a sorry loser?”.

Well, guess what. A peek beind the curtain will show that we all have our cross to bear, struggles to shoulder, pitfalls we have fallen in.

Our 25 year plan

We hope listeners can take away hints, tips, help & reassurance from these conversations. All part of our 25 year mission to help a billion people ‘get ahead without burning out’.

Don’t miss the podcast!

More news and launch date coming soon on

Or follow Getahead on Twitter or Instagram.

You will also get updates on the run up to Getahead Festival in London on Friday June 14th 2019. See what happened last year (1000 people came from 6am to 6am & it was amazing).

Don’t miss Getahead Festival 2019 — sign up now at




We’re on a mission to help a billion people get ahead without burning out