Sony Puts on a Strong Performance at E3 2017

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Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2017

Looking back at Sony’s 2016 E3 conference, virtual reality was the name of the game. A year later, it’s clear that the entertainment company is out for blood. And while many will say Nintendo “won” E3, Sony took the stage with a surprisingly strong showing.

Without a new system or peripheral to tout, Sony launched right into exclusives, finally giving us a better look into the Norse world of God of War. Though the improved graphics seemed to have brightened the series up a bit, Kratos’ return exudes everything we’ve come to love about the series.

All eyes on you, Sony Santa Monica!

Blood and violence outline our first real look at the former Spartan’s parental practices, adding a human element to a game often focused heavily on towering monsters, rudimentary puzzles, and a slew of destructive powers.

Father-son bonding time.

Sticking to the theme of giant monsters, Sony dished out maybe the biggest surprise of the whole show — Monster Hunter World. The first Monster Hunter title to hit a Sony system in 11 years, World will delight new fans and old with a less restrictive, more dynamic land of giant beasts.


Monster Hunter World will keep staples like resource and material gathering but new suits and gadgets, like the grappling hook, aim to change how we take down our target.

Everything about this is the BEST THING EVER!

Impeding a hunter’s efforts are other monsters, which can swoop in at the worst times to steal a kill or exacerbate a hunt. Monster Hunter World earned a well-deserved outpouring of excitement, one I’m happy to echo!

Then again, maybe I’m just easy to please, because that look at Spider-Man?

I won’t admit to the noises I made when Spidey employed fun-to-watch webbing techniques and engaged enemies in Arkham-style combat.

Spidey KICK!

Sure, I cringe at every quicktime event I see these days, but Spider-Man games have been clunky and unfun and this PS4 exclusive looks to rectify that with seamless combat and incredibly set pieces.


And while we’re on the topic of exclusives, Sony threw another curveball our way with a full remake of one of the most gorgeous PS2 games ever, Shadow of the Colossus.


A sequel maybe would have pleased the crowd a little more, but the remake, which is more than just an HD remaster, is certainly welcome. Though the content will be identical to the PS2 release, Bluepoint, the company behind the PS3 remaster, is rebuilding the game from the ground up, utilizing technology and control schemes that fit better in this era of gaming.

Oye … maybe they’ll give us a less depressing ending?

Maybe the most polarizing showcase, at least for me, was that of Days Gone. While I’m about done with zombies, Days Gone seems to know how to handle the magnitude of an undead horde. Also, I’m immediately drawn to games that look so much like The Last of Us. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if voice actor Sam Witwer was told to emulate Troy Baker’s Joel to some degree.

Wonder if I’ll cry through most of it like ‘The Last of Us.’

Though the gameplay shows how scenarios in Days Gone can play out, it fails to really drag us into its world. Crafting and the game’s dynamic weather system were absent, but we did get a taste of the zombified wildlife that calls to Resident Evil’s BOWs.


Detroit: Become Human made an appearance, but until we’re graced with even the inkling of a release date, I’m just going to leave you with this slow-mo loop to drive you about as mad as I feel!


It’s a gorgeous-looking game made by a developer that’s big on progressing the story based on player choices. Like Heavy Rain, characters in Detroit can perish without ending the game and every major choice leads to a branch in the main story.

Is … is that a serious question?

While Sony’s conference could have benefited from showings of Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us 2 or the Final Fantasy VII remake, it did fill the void with support for current, popular titles.

We’ve known about Uncharted: The Lost Legacy for some time, but the first Horizon: Zero Dawn DLC made an appearance on the main stage. The Frozen Wilds expands upon Aloy’s tale, taking her to a frozen wasteland filled with swarms of brute robotic beasts.


New weapons, new quests, a new map to explore — it’s all the staples of DLC for the critically acclaimed title.

Of course, I’d be remiss if I didn’t at least mention the various VR offerings, including yet another version of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim…

It’s like whack-a-mole. Beat down one copy of ‘Skyrim,’ another pops up!

Bravo Team…

What happens after one?!

And the Until Dawn prequel, The Inpatient.

Too real! TOO REAL!

Though Sony’s conference may have been missing a few high notes, those that it did hit were enough to force me to relive the pain of losing my PS4 earlier this year. Looks like I’ll need to replace it sooner than I thought.

Mark LoProto is a horror-loving gaming enthusiast who also has a soft spot for Ghostbusters, bubble wrap, and kittens. Look for his work here, here, and here.



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