Complete guide to the uses of a hand mixer| The best ones to try now

Gianluca Dati
11 min readOct 7, 2022


Take full advantage of your hand mixer for a wide variety of common and unconventional uses


. Complete guide to the uses of an hand mixer| The best ones to try now
. Shredding chicken
. Creaming butter and sugar
. Whipping Cream
. Whipping milk
. Mashing potatoes
. Mixing a cake or cookie dough
. Kneading bread
. Emulsifying sauces and dressings
. Final Considerations

Manual mixer at work

A hand mixer can do much more than beat eggs for cake batter or mix the light cookie dough.

In ordinary thinking, this small appliance is associated with a tool to be used only for making small desserts or for mixing eggs and flour for a cake base.

A hand mixer is indeed by far the perfect appliance for the quick preparation of uniform doughs such as those described above, but to think that this appliance only knows how to perform these kinds of tasks is a gross mistake, one that does not allow its full potential to be exploited.

A hand mixer can do much more than just batter, and just scroll down to discover the best common and uncommon uses in which you can use it.

You will understand how to harness its potential and use it in ways you never thought of before.

Here is the ranking of The best hand mixers in 2022

Shredding chicken

Would you ever have thought that with a hand mixer you could shred chicken? Maybe you did or maybe you didn’t, but know that this is one of those unusual uses where a hand mixer does a great job.

Usually, you use a pair of forks to shred chicken, trying to gently pull off small pieces of chicken at a time, but thanks to a hand mixer you can accomplish this task in a fraction of the time it would take to do it by hand.

Shredding chicken with a hand mixer is quick and easy, but it is not the only way.

A stand mixer, for example, can shred chicken and process more of it than a hand mixer, following a similar process: how to shred chicken with a stand mixer.

How to shred chicken with a hand mixer?

Shredded chicken

Shredding chicken with a hand mixer is an easy task, and all you have to do is follow these simple steps:

a) The first thing to keep in mind is to cook the chicken, before proceeding with any kind of shredding operation; working on a well-cooked chicken breast or thighs makes the task of shredding much easier for you, resulting in a better result.

b) Once the chicken is well cooked, proceed by dividing the chicken into smaller pieces with the help of your hands and place them in a deep bowl so that they do not jump out of the bowl during shredding.

c) When you have reached this point, you can turn on the hand mixer using it at low speed ( this is important so that you do not create a chicken mess on the workbench), remembering to press with the beaters on the chicken pieces you have placed in the bowl.

d) Continue to press with the whips on the chicken until it is completely shredded.

Creaming butter and sugar

Creaming butter and sugar to make a light batter is one of the most classic uses of a hand mixer.

Creaming just means mixing a fatty mixture such as butter with the sugar at a certain speed until the mixture is frothy and clear.

Creaming butter with sugar is one of the main techniques for creating basic batters, to which other ingredients are added to make cakes and cookies.

If you plan to whip large amounts of butter and sugar, I recommend using a stand mixer, which is more powerful and has greater mixing capacity than a hand mixer: how to whip butter and sugar with a stand mixer.

How to cream butter and sugar with a hand mixer?

Butter and sugar batter

Creaming butter and sugar with a hand mixer is a quick process that requires only a few steps. Specifically:

a) Soften the butter: first, let the butter rest outside the refrigerator for a few minutes to make it soft enough to be incorporated with the sugar.

b) Place the softened butter and sugar in a large bowl.

c) Turn on the hand mixer and use the beaters to mix the mixture at medium speed for 1 to 3 minutes, or, if you have an eye, mix the batter until it becomes frothy and pale yellow.

Whipping Cream

In cooking, whipping refers to a technique for which one or two balloon whips are used that perform a rotary motion that can insufflate a lot of air into the ingredients, making them bulky and light at the same time.

A hand mixer equipped with two balloon whips is perfect for whipping cream, and once used for this purpose, you will quickly forget about all the whipped cream packets you find in the supermarket.

The following procedure is ideal for whipping small amounts of cream with which to make a few desserts; in case you want to fill multiple desserts for a party or birthday, knowing how to whip large amounts of cream with a stand mixer will give you a major advantage.

How to whip cream with a hand mixer?

Bowl of whipped cream

Whipping cream is a simple process if you use a hand mixer the right way. With the following steps, it will no longer be a secret for you to get a bowl of the firm, glossy whipped cream:

a) Place the liquid cream, balloon whips, and the container in which you want to whip the cream in the refrigerator: this is very important for the cream to become voluminous and firm.

b) After enough time has elapsed for the cream and attachments to be at the right temperature, pour the cream inside the container, turn on the hand mixer and perform a circular motion with the whips, always in the same direction.

Set the hand mixer to the lowest speed when starting to whip, and gradually increase it to medium speed.

c) Slowly add the powdered sugar and continue whipping until the cream reaches a thick, voluminous consistency. At this point, the job is done: you have a nice bowl of whipped cream ready to serve.

Whipping milk

If it seems strange to you that you can whip milk with a hand mixer, know that it is possible and that although the foam does not turn out as thick and creamy as that obtained with a special milk frother, the result is still very good.

If you do not have a milk frother, using a hand mixer to whip milk can be a viable alternative; an immersion blender can also be used to whip milk, although that is not its main task: How to whip milk with an immersion blender.

How to froth milk with a hand mixer?

Cappuccino with whipped milk from

Whipping milk with a hand mixer assumes that the milk is hot, but not boiling, so follow these steps to create a foam worthy of being used to make one or more cappuccinos:

a) Heat the milk in a saucepan; in this first step, it is important not to bring the milk to a boil, but to make sure it is hot.

b) Transfer the milk from the saucepan into a deep bowl and turn on the hand blender with the whips inserted.

Use the hand mixer at medium-low speed to avoid splashing the milk all over the place, and to create a thick patina on the surface.

c) Continue moving the whips through the milk until thick foam forms. Once the sufficient foam is obtained, you can stop whisking the milk and serve it with the help of a spoon.

Mashing potatoes

Mashing boiled vegetables, especially potatoes, is used usually reserved for other kitchen utensils, such as a potato masher.

What not everyone knows, however, is that the same process can also be done successfully with a hand mixer, and what’s more, directly inside the pot in which you previously boiled the potatoes.

If you want to know other ways to make mashed potatoes, check out: how to make mashed potatoes with an immersion blender and how to make mashed potatoes with a stand mixer.

How to mash potatoes with a hand mixer?

Mashed potatoes

A hand mixer can use its beaters to mash and beat boiled potatoes at the same time, incorporating enough air to make the mixture light and creamy.

Through the following steps, you will understand how to make delicious, fluffy mashed potatoes with a hand mixer to serve with dinner along with a succulent slice of meat:

a) Peel the potatoes, cut them into equal parts and add them to a pot with cold water and two teaspoons of salt.

b) Turn on the stove and let the potatoes come to a boil, and only then lower the intensity of the flame to simmer until soft.

c) Meanwhile, use another saucepan to heat the milk and butter and, at a later time, drain the potatoes so that all excess liquid is removed.

d) Turn on the hand mixer and use the whisks at low speed to gently mash the potatoes. At this point, start adding the previously heated milk and butter as well.

e) Continue using the hand mixer to mash the potatoes and whip them together with the milk and butter, gradually increasing the speed to medium-high.

Once the desired consistency is reached, turn off the hand mixer and serve the mashed potatoes as you prefer.

Mixing a cake or cookie dough

Mixing is a well-known use for a hand mixer. It is a process in which two or more ingredients are mixed and combined to create a smooth, uniform mixture.

Think of making a simple cake or cookie dough: for these tasks a hand mixer is unbeatable.

Only if you have to cook large quantities of batters or doughs that require a lot of energy and resistance, I suggest you look elsewhere: for example, how to use a stand mixer to make cake batters and cookie doughs.

How to mix a cake batter with a hand mixer?

Cake batter

Using a hand mixer to make a cake mix is as simple as drinking a glass of water and requires no effort on your part except to check that the machine is doing a good job.

The sequence for mixing cookie dough is similar, so I will share with you a classic example that works for both. Let’s look at the necessary steps together:

a) Put the eggs and sugar in a large bowl and use the hand mixer to beat these two ingredients.

b) Add one cup of oil, for example, Girasole seed oil, while continuing to mix with an electric whisk, and next, add the flour and baking powder by cascade.

c) At this point, mix the entire mixture until all ingredients are evenly blended.

This example is not intended as a substitute for every cake or cookie dough; of course, always follow the letter of the recipe you want to make, with the required times and specific ingredients.

Kneading bread

This use is one of the most problematic to perform, as it requires the engagement of several ingredients that form a stiff, rubbery dough.

Let us preface this by saying that not all hand mixers can handle bread dough.

Only some units that mount a powerful motor and have dough hooks, such as the Dualit manual mixer, can make the dough as light and fluffy as it should be.

If you don’t want to be limited in the amount of dough you can make, find out how to knead bread with a stand mixer, but if you prefer mobility and only want to knead a small loaf for dinner, a powerful manual mixer is all you need.

Let’s go ahead and find out the steps needed to make dough worthy of being called bread dough.

How to knead bread with a hand mixer

Bread dough

a) Having made it clear that you need to have a powerful and sturdy hand mixer, be sure to proceed to prepare the dough by having a heavy bowl so that it does not move too much on the workbench.

b) Place the butter, oil, and other liquid ingredients in the bowl and beat them with electric whips until they form a first smooth mixture.

c) Add the flour, baking powder, and other dry ingredients to the liquid mixture and replace the whips with the dough hooks. At this point, use the dough hooks at the lowest speed and start kneading the mixture.

d) Continue kneading by gradually adding the liquid until the dough begins to take on a certain shape and consistency.

e) At this point, engage a higher speed, depending on the consistency you want the dough to have, and continue kneading for about eight minutes.

f) Once the time has elapsed for the dough to take on a smooth, soft consistency, you can set the hand mixer aside and use your hands to form a ball.

Emulsifying sauces and dressings

Emulsifying sauces and dressings are common use for flavoring various foods, from meats to salads.

One use of a hand mixer is precisely to combine liquid ingredients with dry ingredients to create delicious sauces to enjoy with other dishes.

Emulsifying a sauce is among the main uses of an immersion blender, and in the case of large quantities, the use of a food processor is inevitable because of its power and high ability to effectively emulsify ingredients.

Although this is an unusual task for a hand mixer, one can certainly take advantage of its capabilities.

How to emulsify a sauce or dressing with a hand mixer

Salad dressing

As an example, let’s take a simple salad dressing and see how a hand mixer can prepare it in just a few minutes.

a) Put the following ingredients in a bowl: 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a little minced garlic, a small tablespoon of vinegar, a tablespoon of mustard, and a pinch of salt and pepper.

b) At this point, use the hand mixer with the whips inserted to combine all these ingredients until fully combined.

Final Considerations

A hand mixer can be used for a wide variety of recipes, although its strength remains in whipping and mixing batters and light doughs.

All the uses we have seen can be performed by a mid- to high-end hand mixer that mounts a motor powerful enough to handle tasks that would normally be the responsibility of other small appliances, such as a stand mixer or an immersion blender.

Depending on your intended use, there are better hand mixers than others, so I invite you to find out which are The best hand mixers in 2022 so that you can find the model that best suits your specific needs.



Gianluca Dati

Hi, I’m a guy who likes to share what he knows about technology and electronics. I am passionate about web marketing and everything that goes around it.