GBX Monthly ROCKout Meet-up: Aug 2018

GSX Group
3 min readAug 24, 2018

On 23rd August, the GBX team hosted the second monthly ROCKout Meet-up in Singapore. The theme for this month focused on the blockchain ecosystem and the key stakeholders involved. The Meet-up was met with an enthusiastic crowd of attendees who were eager to learn and engage with our speakers and guests.

The event kicked off with a fireside chat between Prakash Somosundram, Head of Acceleration at XSQ, and Emma Cui, CEO at Longhash Singapore. With their extensive background with blockchain projects, the discussion focused on the role of advisors, the importance of building the community and whether there is an inherent tension between the ideals of decentralisation through blockchain and the big mining pool and institutions that are coming into the area.

The event shifted to a panel discussion on the institutional liquidity of digital assets in exchanges. The panel consisted of Andrew Pal, the Chief Strategy Officer of GSX, Bobby Ong, co-founder of CoinGecko, Mathew Cannon, co-founder of Lightbulb Capital Digital and Floyd Dcosta, co-founder of Block Armour. The panel was moderated by Benjamin Soh, Executive Director of GSX. The panel kicked off with observations about recent price movements of digital assets and the trends of institutional players entering the blockchain industry. The panel also opened up to what market evolutions are needed to really attract traditional capital and financial market participants. Those included regulation, banking/fiat channels, AML/KYC standards, custodianship of digital assets, new types of traded products, trade execution tools and so forth.

Shifting gears again, we invited three projects that have successfully launched their token sales to share their experience of this journey in a fireside chat. Pavel Bains is the CEO of Bluzelle, which is building a decentralised database. Lawrence Lim is the Market Launcher for Southeast Asia at IOST, which is building a high TPS blockchain infrastructure with a focus on security and scalability. Ong En Hui is the Head of Business Development at Zilliqa, which is building a next generation high throughput blockchain. They shared how their respective projects started and why blockchain was important to them. They also shared the lessons learned from the token sale journey and what, if anything, they would do differently. They also shared their progress as well as where they are on their roadmaps.

To close the evening’s discussion, Xanne Leo, CEO of Infinitus, and Hendrik Tanjaya Tan, CTO of Crowdvilla, shared their projects and their aspirations of using blockchain technology to shape the world in private key recovery and holiday home markets.

GBX ROCKout Meet-Ups aim to provide a forum and venue where people who want to learn more about this industry can reach out, communicate and share knowledge and experiences. We look forward to announcing the details of our next meet-up soon!

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GSX Group

The GSX Group brings together our expanding network of companies: GSX, Juno Services, Global Blockchain exchange, and BIC.