GBX Team on the Panel at BlockCity’s Taiwan Blockchain Festival

GSX Group
3 min readApr 1, 2018


The GBX Asia team, led by Executive Director Benjamin Soh, attended the Taiwan Blockchain Festival organised by BlockCity. This is the first major blockchain conference held in Taipei, developed by the local blockchain communities.

This is BlockCity

BlockCity is the largest blockchain and fintech event in Taiwan. Its aim is to connect different groups of people from different backgrounds with a common interest — the power of the blockchain.

Over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend, community members, professionals, students, investors and developers have been gathering in Taipei. All participants will contribute to an international forum that strives to educate, demonstrate and inspire the next stage in the development of blockchain as a whole.

The BlockCity Taiwan Blockchain Festival places its emphasis on education and the acceleration of startups. Offering a variety of workshops and hackathons to delegates, the event aims to find ways to apply the technology that will help create the smart cities of the future.

GBX Takes the Stage

As part of the Festival, influential leaders from various fields (including the finance and blockchain ecosystem) will share their insights about past, present and future contributions to the blockchain revolution. Amongst them will be GBX Executive Director Benjamin Soh.

Ben will take the stage for two engrossing panel discussions, covering two different topics.

“Opportunities for Taiwan: A Regulatory Perspective”

Representing GSX/GBX in the first of these panel discussions, Ben will highlight the many similarities between Taiwan and Gibraltar, suggesting that the introduction of the DLT regulatory framework by Gibraltar could be an initiative that Taiwan could also examine. Jason Hsu, legislator-at-large for Taiwan Parliament and influential thought leader for the younger generation in Taiwan, will be joining Ben onstage for this discussion.

“Blockchain in Business”

This is the focus of discussion for Ben’s second panel appearance of the Festival. Here, Ben will be joined onstage by members from Bitmark, Datum and Robin 8.

Conversations this time will centre on the GBX Grid, GBX’s token launch centre, providing delegates with updates on the platform’s progress and movements towards launch.

The GBX Grid aims to add value to entrepreneurs looking to launch their own initial token sale. Bringing the complexities of conducting contributor KYC and token distribution processes onto the Grid allows entrepreneurs to focus on building and marketing their business.

“Taiwan’s passion for blockchain is contagious and GBX is honored to be invited to present and share our story with everyone here at BlockCity,” said Executive Director Benjamin Soh.

The exciting forum is set to continue throughout the weekend.



GSX Group

The GSX Group brings together our expanding network of companies: GSX, Juno Services, Global Blockchain exchange, and BIC.