Stratx Consulting Approved as a Sponsor Firm to Join the GBX

GSX Group
2 min readJul 24, 2018

It is with great pleasure that we announce today the addition of Stratx Consulting Inc to the Sponsor Firm network. Stratx Consulting, based in Toronto, Canada, increases opportunities for North America-based issuers looking to bring projects to the GBX Grid.

Introducing Stratx Consulting

Stratx Consulting is a global research and due diligence firm within the blockchain industry. Sharing the GBX vision, their experienced team completes comprehensive research and due diligence on blockchain projects which increases transparency and helps to improve the quality of the crypto economy.

“The Stratx team is thrilled to be joining the GBX network of Sponsor Firms. It enables Stratx to participate in a growing international community that promotes increased transparency and holds token projects to a high standard of regulatory compliance. The Stratx team is looking forward to working with the GBX.” — Michael Horowitz, Co-Founder & CEO of Stratx Consulting Inc.

Sponsor Firm Role

Sponsor Firms play an important role for the GBX Grid. As part of their duties, they will be responsible for preparing applications, guiding listings to market, and meeting continuing obligations after the initial sale. They are the first line of defence for the Grid, and ultimately, they help maintain the high levels of good governance and best practices that form the core of the GBX.

The GBX is confident that Stratx’s knowledge and experience within the crypto space will successfully guide new token issuers to the grid.

“We’re very excited to continue to grow the global presence of our Sponsor Firm network. The North American region has always played a vital part in the development and evolution of technology. That hasn’t changed. Welcome to the team Stratx, we can’t wait to see what you bring to the Grid.” — Nick Cowan, CEO of the Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange.

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GSX Group

The GSX Group brings together our expanding network of companies: GSX, Juno Services, Global Blockchain exchange, and BIC.