51 Ideas to Pay it Forward

Gilbert, Arizona
3 min readApr 28, 2018


We all know that a little bit of kindness goes a long way. In Gilbert, Arizona we’re celebrating thoughtful actions in our community through the #GilbertKindness initiative, and are encouraging residents to use the hashtag on social media when they witness or participate in acts of kindness.

Kindness is more than just a mindset, it takes some effort. But we’re here to help! We’ve created a list of 51 ideas that you can use to pay it forward and help make a difference and share #GilbertKindness:

1. Pick up trash in your neighborhood or at a Gilbert park.

2. Compliment a stranger. You’ll make their day!

3. Let someone in front of you in line.

4. Write a thoughtful letter to a family member and send it in the mail.

5. Bake cookies for a neighbor.

6. Plant a tree.

7. Donate to a good cause, such as Gilbert’s Neighbor 2 Neighbor program. Every bit makes a difference.

8. Pay for someone else’s coffee.

9. Give a friend flowers, just because.

10. Volunteer! Here are 5 ideas for you in Gilbert.

11. Leave a nice note on a colleague’s desk.

12. Bring plastic bags to your local grocery store to be recycled.

13. Take a friend to lunch.

14. Donate clothes you don’t wear anymore.

15. Leave a server the biggest tip you can afford.

16. Write a nice note for a teacher.

17. Be a good listener.

18. Spend a day helping at a homeless shelter, such as Central Arizona Shelter Services (CASS) or Save the Family.

19. Remember to take some time to relax and be kind to yourself, too!

20. Give an encouraging word to a mom or dad and let them know they’re doing great.

21. Don’t gossip when everyone else is.

22. Become a mentor to someone in your line of work or through an organization, such as Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central AZ.

23. Cook a meal for a friend.

24. Put your phone away and be in the moment. Challenge yourself to spend one day without it and see what happens.

25. Write a letter to a soldier.

26. Smile! It’s really contagious.

27. Ask a shy person about their opinion.

28. Be gracious. Everyone needs some slack.

29. Give someone a hug that needs it.

30. Leave random notes of kindness on cars.

31. Call your parents!

32. Help the environment by carpooling to work.

33. Spend some time with the elderly, through organizations such as Mercy Housing.

34. Help a friend that’s moving.

35. Bring a home cooked meal to new parents.

36. Forgive someone and let it go.

37. Recognize the good in others, even when it’s hard.

38. Buy Girl Scout Cookies when you can. Cookies for a cause? It’s a win-win!

39. Do the task no one else wants to do.

40. Buy gifts for others (or yourself) from the Gilbert Goodies Store! 100% of the proceeds goes towards the Neighbor 2 Neighbor program, helping Gilbert residents in-need.

41. Offer to babysit for free.

42. Participate in a fundraiser.

43. Listen to someone’s life story.

44. Give someone a book you think they’d enjoy.

45. Leave encouraging post-it notes around for people to find.

46. Write a list of things you love about someone and share it with them.

47. Send dessert to another table at dinner.

48. Give a homeless person a care package, including items such as socks, a toothbrush and toothpaste, sunscreen and protein bars. Get more care package ideas from Shoebox Ministry.

49. Help someone struggling with heavy bags.

50. Bring some treats to your local police officers and firefighters.

51. Inspire more kindness by sharing your #GilbertKindness stories on social media!

Do you have your own ideas for paying it forward? We’d love for you to share them with us in the comments!

Need some more inspiration? Check out this Gilbert Kindness story:



Gilbert, Arizona

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