National Volunteer Week: Gilbert Fire & Rescue Experience by Bryan Eisen

Gilbert, Arizona
3 min readApr 18, 2018


During my sophomore year at Arizona State University (ASU), I began volunteering with the Gilbert Fire and Rescue Department after an internship with Gilbert’s Emergency Management Office. I found myself encapsulated by the passion and drive of the members of Gilbert Fire and Rescue and was intent on finding a way to stay involved with the department.

This year marks my third year in the program and my most active yet. Currently, I volunteer with both the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and Community Assistance programs, as well as teach First Aid classes for the Gilbert Fire and Rescue Department.

Gilbert’s CERT program was the first program that I took part in after becoming a credentialed volunteer. This program teaches citizens the basic skills and knowledge required to assist public safety agencies during major disasters and other incidents where extra personnel are required. Since joining CERT, I’ve been called in to assist with several incidents, including a search for a missing child and helping out with town events.

Similar to the CERT program, Gilbert’s Community Assistance program serves the Gilbert community on a smaller and more personal scale. Members of this program work directly with Gilbert Fire and Rescue crews and the public during emergencies.

Known to Gilbert Fire and Rescue crews as their unit’s call-sign “COM 251”, the Community Assistance program was designed to assist the bystanders of emergency incidents so that crews can stay focused on the incident at hand. COM 251 members undergo training to assist those affected by incidents, such as house fires or medical emergencies involving a family member, and help their customers take the first steps towards resolving the effects of their incident.

COM 251 members also assist the community in other ways such as checking and installing smoke detectors inside residential homes and installing car seats for young children. As a practicing Emergency Medical Technician and aspiring firefighter, this program has given me a perspective on the field of emergency response I had never seen before and has greatly helped me to improve the manner in which I care for my patients.

The final role I serve as a volunteer for Gilbert Fire and Rescue a First Aid instructor. The first aid classes, which are available for members of the community to attend, teach the basic skills on how to work with injuries and other medical emergencies commonly experienced in everyday life. These classes promote preparedness and safety, which is important for every member of a community to know and benefit the town as a whole.

During my time volunteering, I’ve found it incredibly rewarding to work for the benefit of the Gilbert community and I couldn’t have asked for a better group of fellow volunteers and administration staff to work with. I would like to extend a big thank you to my fellow volunteers for doing what they do and Kim Yonda-Lead, our Volunteer Coordinator, and the other Gilbert Fire and Rescue administration staff for making this volunteer program possible.

To learn more about volunteer opportunities with Gilbert Fire and Rescue, please visit their website or contact Volunteer Coordinator Kim Yonda-Lead at

Like this story? Find out what it’s like to volunteer with Gilbert Parks and Recreation here.



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