Gimmer’s First New Feature for 2019: Mobile App to See How Your Bots Are Doing!

With release scheduled for Q1 2019, the public version of Gimmer’s mobile application will let you see how your bots are performing in real time.

2 min readFeb 5, 2018

The Gimmer DApp, which will launch in the second quarter of this year, will allow everyone to use of Gimmer’s advanced algorithmic bots to trade cryptocurrencies the smart way - automated trading using different safeties, indicators and currency pairs. The Gimmer bots will save you time and energy - they will do all the trading and it only takes a few minutes to set them up! Furthermore, the Gimmer bots will remove your emotions from the trades - which is the worst enemy of the trader - leading you to better trades!

Learn more about how automated trading eliminates the trader’s emotions and how Gimmer’s advanced algorithmic bots do all the trading for you!

Gimmer’s development team is constantly working on developing various new features for the platform - check Gimmer’s roadmap for more information. One of the new features is the Gimmer mobile app, which will be launched in two phases. The first, initial version - launching in Q1 2019 - will allow you to check on your trades, strategies and bots, providing you statistics about your trade positions. The second version will function similarly to the desktop DApp, therefore, you can use the Gimmer mobile application to create strategies and execute trades with your Gimmer bots!

For more information about the DApp, check out our article covering this topic! Be sure to join our Telegram group!




Automated Crypto-Trading BOT Platform - The smart way to trade Cryptocurrencies. Project website: