Introducing the Members: Meet the Gimmer Team!

Automated Crypto-trading Platform Gimmer introduces the team behind the service!

6 min readOct 14, 2017
The Gimmer Team (so far)

Gimmer’s team of experts worked very hard to establish a platform where anyone can set up an automated trade. Gimmer turns a major focus on the platform’s ease of use. To operate Gimmer’s advanced algorithmic bots, you don’t need any programming skills, previous experience in currency trading or any in depth knowledge of the cryptocurrency market - users can set up a bot to do all the trading with a few clicks. Or better still, a user can simply rent a bot from the bot store which is set up and ready to trade. To gather more knowledge on Gimmer, please read our previous Medium posts, introducing Gimmer, Gimmer’s advanced algorithmic trading bots and the Gimmer Token! You can also check out Gimmer’s whitepaper!

In this piece, Gimmer would like to introduce the team to the public to give you a better insight on the background and expertise of Gimmer’s members.

Pérsio Flexa



Persio is a full-stack developer with more than 16 years of experience in the field. He is focused on creating intelligent solutions using Blockchain technology. His everyday goal is to develop strategic and innovative solutions for the digital landscape and by that, impact people’s lives positively. He’s a Co-Founder of Gimmer and intends it to be the world’s largest platform of crypto-trading & investments. Writing smart contracts in Solidity and develop solutions using NodeJS, JavaScript/TypeScript, Angular, MongoDB, C#, Python and many other programming languages and frameworks.

Philipe Comini



Philipe believes a new era is coming for the human race and cryptocurrencies are one of the catalysers for this massive change in society moving forward. He is honoured for taking part and playing an important role in Gimmer. With 13+ years of experience, Philipe has worked for more than 33 companies providing Design solutions for a vast range of projects. He has already been involved with other fintech companies related to blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

Paul Lindsell



With over 18 years experience (which 11 years have been at board level) in creative design for global FMCG and Financial Services brands, Paul focuses on strategic and creative thinking to evolve Gimmer’s proposition, service design and business model. He personally believes that the truly peer-to-peer nature of blockchain technology gives consumers the truth and the trust, that they so desperately need. And that the decentralization of data and services will change the way the world does business forever.

Masaichi Hasegawa

Commercial Director Japan


Masaichi has a experience in the world of traditional global financial market for over 20 years. He is a specialist in asset allocations and trading. He focus is global macro strategies, investing from foreign exchanges, equities, sovereign and corporate bonds, commodities such as precious metals to petroleum. He also uses derivative products to enhance or hedge the portfolios. He also participates in private equity that invests in companies, both established and start-ups and real estate. His goal is to analyse the crypto-currency market with a traditional market perspective and its relationship with the traditional markets.

William Xavier

Full Stack Developer


William has 11 years of experience on development for web technologies. He also is a blockchain enthusiast and wants to bring the way people trade cryptocurrencies to the next level. He works full time on Gimmer and he is excited to be part of the building of the smartest automated trading solution in cryptocurrencies. William is also involved with other blockchain related fintech startups.

Lucas Assis

Full Stack Developer


Lucas is a full stack developer with 7 years of experience working in the area. Always aiming to work at the bleeding edge of technology, his goal is making Gimmer the number one stop for traders. He believes that blockchain technology is a game changer and all business that wants to keep evolving will have to rely at some degree on transparent and trustworthy technologies like blockchain.

Michel Comini

Marketing Director


Michel has a background in advertising. In Brazil, he worked for one of the country’s largest digital agencies and also for one of the most awarded ones in the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity. Along his career, some of his clients were: Pernod Ricard, Unilever, Motorola, Intel, McDonald’s, Amex Int’l, Sony Pictures, MI5/MI6/GCHQ/HMGCC and Credit Suisse. In London, he worked as a Data Manager for the GroupM agency which oversees investments for the WPP group. Michel participates in the Product Design. He conducts competitive researches and data analysis.

Joao Renato Mascarin

Commercial Director


João Renato is a multi skilled Senior Project Manager specialised in Logistics, User Experience Planning and Commercial relations. He was named Project Director for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games and since then he looks after the United States Olympic Committee. One of his main achievements was managing over 250 staff and looking after 1500+ guests and athletes priorly, during and after the event. Currently, he is focused on the crypto-trading and alt coins finance markets. Ambitious and committed, he is already in contact with major companies and startups within the cryptocurrency industry. He believes that cryptocurrencies have a huge potential and will be the next leap in our evolution. He believes that blockchain technology will have a huge impact and will shape the near future.

Joao Guilherme Mascarin

Customer Researcher


Joao Guilherme focuses on marketing, User Experience Research and help Gimmer to tailor unique experiences for customers. His deep analysis of the current crypto market are fundamental on building strong databases for Gimmer which helps on understanding the business and users needs. He thinks cryptocurrencies are already a reality and it will tend to fall in common sense very soon being broadly accepted world wide.

Benjamin Vitáris



Benjamin is a freelance journalist. With nearly three years of experience, he writes the latest news and trends of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and fintech. His articles are published at prominent news sites, including Bitcoin Magazine, ETHNews, CryptoCoinsNews, and DeepDotWeb. Majored in Marketing Management, he is studying Commerce and Marketing at the Budapest Business School. Benjamin believes the world entered into a new era with the appearance of cryptocurrencies and blockchain tech, and he thinks the financial system should be completely decentralized to function decently.




Automated Crypto-Trading BOT Platform - The smart way to trade Cryptocurrencies. Project website: