The Best Way to Cope with Coronavirus is to Focus on What we Have Control Over

Virginia Burges
10 min readMar 19, 2020
Image by Visuals on Unsplash

“Man is a pupil, pain is his teacher.” ~ Alfred de Musset

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought the world to it’s knees. Nature has demonstrated very rapidly and in stark terms that we are not above it. We are part of it.

Humanity exists as part of a complex ecosystem that we have disrupted in ways we can barely comprehend, and we are feeling the effects of our activity with increasing frequency.

As populations around the globe continue to experience climate change in one form or another, we are now all having to deal with the highly contagious and potentially deadly coronavirus.

It has never been more timely to study the ecology of disease.

Covid-19 by CDC on Unsplash

This is not the scenario we would consciously choose for ourselves, but sometimes we get what we need, not what we want. Or maybe in this case it’s also what the planet needs. Collectively mankind is being…



Virginia Burges

Fiction Author #TheVirtuoso Speaker & Blogger: Into music, art, culture, literature, health, philosophy & psychology.