Virginia Burges
2 min readJan 25, 2016

The Stream of Life

Poem originally posted in #SundayBlogShare on

The stream of life constantly flows

Let its currents carry you to shores anew,

Rowing upstream fights all that is,

Resistance drains and depletes you.

Let go, stay in the flow…

Uncharted waters can lead us astray,

Perhaps almost drown us, shred nerves.

Coughing and spluttering we emerge,

Cursing the deep, deceptive curves.

Let go, stay in the flow…

Do not hold on to pain and injustice,

It is a gift in disguise,

But if we wallow too long,

We can tell ourselves lies.

Let go, stay in the flow…

The pain in us notices the hurt of another,

Sad songs, the gaze of mournful eyes.

You took a wrong turn too,

But we are still buoyant, alive.

Let go, stay in the flow…

A book says don’t get used to suffering,

It’s not your natural state.

Choking and stifling the freedom of the soul,

Heavy burdens give it weight.

Let go, stay in the flow…

Like a river that stands still too long,

Blocked, putrid water will stagnate,

Its inertia pooling with bacteria;

In the stench of foul smelling hate.

Let go, stay in the flow…

When the spirit becomes infected

It slowly poisons the mind,

Disease infiltrates the body,

The trinity of mind, body and soul is blind.

Let go, stay in the flow…

Don’t get addicted to the juice of suffering,

It’s easy to do.

Your past is not your present,

NOW is the moment we are NEW

Let go, stay in the flow…

Are you moving forward?

Navigate through seasons and storms,

Enjoy the moments of calm;

Savour the view, there are no norms.

Let go, stay in the flow…

Cells in our bodies replace and renew,

We are not physically the same.

Let your emotions roll on too,

The soul must follow its own name.

Let go, stay in the flow…

There is no right and wrong,

Only what serves a sentient being.

Companions share our mysterious journeys,

Under the glassy, reflective surface, you become all seeing.

And remember…let go, stay in the flow…

By Virginia Burges

Virginia Burges

Fiction Author #TheVirtuoso Speaker & Blogger: Into music, art, culture, literature, health, philosophy & psychology.