How to Not Be a Simp: 7 Constructive Ways to Stop Being a Simp



For men, it is common to seek affection from women. However, you want to interact with females without being called a Simp. Young men who don’t know how to not be a simp risk never properly seducing a woman.

What is a SIMP?

The term “simp” is the abbreviature of “simpleton,” which means someone foolish. Generally, this modern title describes men who spend time and/or money trying to obtain a woman’s love.

However, various other interactions can get you called a simp on the internet, such as:

· Doing stuff for her without payment

· Double texting her when she doesn’t respond

· Paying for sex

As men, we are naturally driven to talk to beautiful women, seek physical intimacy, have a family, etc. So, we naively adopt a nice-guy behavior.

But the way of simps leads to never turning women on, being fooled, and ultimately, being cheated.

If you fear this may be your case, do not fret. Here 7 ways to stop being a simp and know how to rightly handle women.

1.Don’t be excessively nice

The first way to stop being a simp is not to try too hard with women. You can try to be funny or a gentleman, but do not treat her like a princess.

With women, it works better to bait her to chase you. Not to chase her and throw dozens of compliments at her every day.

The secret to sparking attraction in a woman is to reward her intermittently. For instance:

· If you compliment her, you act cold the rest of the conversation

· If one day you text her first, you disappear for around a week

· If you talk to her/date her, you avoid any sort of interaction on social media for a few days

But if you constantly praise her without receiving anything in return, you’ll be the last on her list.

Also, don’t fear leaving her messages on read. It has its benefits.

2.Don’t say yes to everything a woman says

You must have your own opinion. A woman likes a man that challenges her.

Typically, simps believe that being on the same page as the girl they like will make her fall in love with them.

However, women like following a man’s lead instead. Likewise, they prefer busy men and men who stand up for their opinions.

You can put this in practice in the following ways:

· Be the one who set the day of dates, not her

· Don’t always start doing her favors immediately after she asks. Tell her you’ll do it when you finish reading/working

· Don’t shy away from discussing different points of view. Most women like fighting a bit

It is not necessary to agree with a woman on every subject to build rapport.

3.Don’t hide your intentions

Simps never get girlfriends because they act overly kind. They pretend to become some sort of best friend.

Simps tell girls all kinds of compliments and never ask her out. Likewise, they never approach women from a sexual perspective.

Don’t hide behind a friend’s mask. Escalate your interactions if that’s what you really want.

Don’t tell her you are in love or anything similar. But express your intentions clearly and cut out any attempt of her to put you in the friendzone.

4.Don’t text girls 17 times a day

Texting a girl multiple times per day is a predominant trait in simps. Again, chasing women just scares them away.

Doing so is detrimental in the pursuit of a female. It shows you have nothing better to do — and you should have.

Women do their best to look pretty so that they can find a successful, dominant man. This kind of man does not have the time to send 50 messages every day to a girl.

She should text you more than you text her. Otherwise, she is likely not into you.

Alpha males don’t waste time adulating women to gain their approval. If one girl doesn’t like you, don’t be a simp and let her go.

5.Learn to act more confident

Low confidence is a common trait in simps. They might be happy people, but deep down, they are afraid.

What happens with this low confidence is that simps rarely say anything bold to a girl. They always play it safe.

Therefore, all that a simp does is telling nice things to girls, which girls find creepy.

However, when you increase your confidence, girls find you more interesting. That’s because you are not afraid of her walking away anymore.

To stop being a simp, meeting and flirting with new women is paramount. You must let women see you.

Along with flirting with girls, activities such as exercising and upgrading your wardrobe can boost your confidence.

6.Delete love songs from your playlist

Love songs should be for women only. When a man repeatedly listens to romantic songs, that constant sentimental input turns them into simps.

They start pedestalizing women, lose focus on their work, and overall become weaker.

The moment you treat women like goddesses is the moment you become a simp.

Love songs often prompt men to think that having a woman determines their success in life.

It is ten times better to be single and have freedom than being in a relationship but living embittered.

7.Develop a healthier, more exciting lifestyle

Being a simp also derives from a subconscious pursuit of an exciting life. A success-like feeling.

Simps direct their energy to seek the approval of women. That way, hopefully, one of these girls falls in love with them.

However, they achieve the exact opposite. Filling a girl with compliments and being a useful idiot only makes that women lose respect for them.

You can’t always be available for a woman. Your time is expensive, and you must convey that message to her.

For that purpose, spend your free time in activities that develop your mind and body. Even if that means staying away from the phone a couple of hours.

Go out by yourself or with friends. Read or write. Doesn’t matter if you must ghost her for a few hours.



Gio | Strategies to Win in Life 🏔️

Masculinity • Self-Improvement • Persuasion | +3 years of writing SEO blog posts, copy, and emails for clients worldwide. DM me @giostrategies.