Hong Kong is Shrouded in White Horror

3 min readJul 23, 2019


Background credited to stux

The past 22 years, Hong Kong has been declining under the rule of a corrupt and incompetent government. Thanks to Carrie LAM, our Great CE implementing the Extradition Bill and her attitude subsequently, it has triggered the anger of many Hongkongers for long time of tolerance.

When the HKSAR Government, the Ex-CE, the China’s state-run press only condemn the violent protests; when the pro-gov’t parties, celebrities and citizens join the rally to support the police (assuming they have not accepted any benefits); when hundreds of people were mobilized to destroy the Lennon Tunnel, they all have already chosen to be the opponent of Hong Kong’s future.

Political stability, thriving economy, freedom of speech, and safety of the society that the Pearl of the East is proud of — are all shattered overnight.

Some young protesters are getting more radical, but other than the vandalism, what have they done? They have never hurt nor plundered the innocence. Those protesters have paid effort and ready to sacrifice themselves to exchange the freedom of the city from totalitarian and decadent regime, and this is why many peaceful protesters though not agree but understand their behaviour.

But how about our government? Except condemnation, has she ever tried to understand the story behind? LAM even asked the social welfare industry to help the society getting out from depression, but how can the social workers solve these when the root of the problem is from the government? She is not facing up the issue and seek for solution to calm the people; instead, she has created more issues resulting in the social cleavages.

If the police are deserved support of people, why did they disperse protesters but blocked their ways and push them into the shopping mall on 14 July? Why did they ignore those real thugs (the gangs?) who attacked the protesters, the press, the Legislative Councillors and the innocent citizens with weapons at Yuen Long train station on 21 July, why did they “strike” and say that this is only a dispute between two camps?

We can’t stop ourselves from anger when seeing the innocents were attacked from the scenes, while the police and the government show no care.

We could only think that this is the concept and strategy behind the authority — to create terror among the society that no police force would protect the innocent citizens (who are not protesters) when they face danger, and this could reverse the public opinion to blame the protesters, and even intimidate the protesters from participating in future protests.

First creating the White Terror, and then the Anarchy.

Before that, we could still tell that the society needs police force to prevent crime and maintain security. But if the public servant has lost its function to protect the people from violence and criminal, if we have to protect the life of our fellow citizens by ourselves, do we still need the police? If the police is no more the justice, if the city becomes anarchy, it is not impossible that some self-defense forces may be organized in the society.

The forest is almost burned by the tongue of flame.

This political game Carrie Lam created have broken the dreams of many HongKongers. If all these have never happened, we might never be demonstrators, suicides, prisoners, asylum seekers, emigrants; we might not get psychologically traumatic; we won’t lose our hope and dreams because we see there is no future. We don’t want to play this game, we want a government to represent us, to protect us, to improve our life, but none of the above she has done.

Nothing, but politics.

People are always boss of the government. We believe these public servants could be our representatives. If they don’t, it is time for us to protect our home by ourselves in any possible ways.

We are living in pain, but we are strong.




Turn the situation- Safeguard Cantonese. To know colloquial & slang HongKongers speak, VISIT https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC59w7xYsHL64SPLyZMTIwpA/about