National Best Friends Day: 10 ways to celebrate!

4 min readJun 8, 2016

Today, June 8th, is designated as ‘National Best Friends Day’ in the U.S.** It is a day to celebrate and appreciate the amazing friends in our lives — the relationships that can drastically impact our health and happiness.

In honor of National Best Friends Day, here are 10 ways to celebrate your Best Friends:

  • Meet a Friend (or several Friends) for a nice dinner! It’s a great excuse to toast your friendship, enjoy catching up, make it a celebration, and make plans to do it again soon!
  • Give a thoughtful Gift. Give your BFF(s) something special that you know they’ll love. Girlfriends know us best so make a special effort to give her a gift that shows how much you appreciate her and her friendship.
  • Send a Card. We often treasure special cards we’ve received for years so make it a good one! Write a nice note sharing your appreciation for her friendship, what you love about her, express your gratitude for her being there for you in the past.
  • Enjoy a Chick Flick together. At home or in a theatre, enjoy a girl’s night in or a girl’s night out with your Bestie! Laugh, cry (but not for a personal reason), enjoy some time together just watching a movie, talking about it and maybe snacking on some popcorn and treats!
  • Send your Friend Flowers. Flowers aren’t just for romance, they also just brighten a normal, possibly boring, day. Does she have a favorite flower? Or, if she loves gardening, send a potted plant that can be re-potted outside. Make it your personal challenge to surprise and delight her with a thoughtful message to accompany the beautiful BFF bouquet.
  • Phone a Friend. (Especially if/when she doesn’t expect it!) Call her on your way to or from work. Phone her on a weekend just to check in. Call her and let her know how much she means to you. There’s just something about hearing the voice of a wonderful friend that can completely brighten her day!
  • Text a Friend. Sound impersonal? It doesn’t have to be! Make it personal, silly, sweet, surprising. Send her a Bitmoji of you with a nice ‘Best Friend Day’ message. Make her day in a thoughtful text from her BFF.
  • Surprise a Friend! Life can get a little boring, right? Why not surprise your BFF with a gift or event? Make arrangements to be somewhere she doesn’t expect and plans to do something fun together that she didn’t anticipate. She’ll love the thoughtfulness of your planning and cherish getting to make such fun memories together!
  • Post it on Social Media. Go loud and proud about your friendship! Acknowledge your BFF(s) on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Share a special Snap just expressing your gratitude for her friends. Share this infographic on Pinterest with a dedication to a friend. Change your profile photo or share a photo of you and your friend(s) to tell the whole world that you’re celebrating National Best Friends Day and that she is your Bestest Bestie!
  • Plan a Trip together. Make the most fabulous friendship memories while traveling with your BFF! Make this the year that you hit the beach, head to the mountains, research NYC or a city you’ve been waiting to visit, or go international together. Make it happen. Life is short. Go travel and have a wonderful trip together!

In celebration of National Best Friends Day, here’s an infographic of ‘FUN FRIENDSHIP FACTS.’

  • * Per this Infographic, Friendship Days are celebrated in many countries in a variety of ways. And, per the Infographic, there are more days to celebrate friendships. As we believe at, friendship should be celebrated daily. :)

By Debba Haupert, founder of Girlfriendology has been inspiring women since 2006 with friendship inspiration, girlfriend gifts, travel for women, celebration ideas, and women’s empowerment. Female friendship makes women healthier, happier, less stressed, live longer, and feel more beautiful! Join us on, like us on, and find us

on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Periscope. Thanks!




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