A little mischief in Cambodia

Dionne Abouelela
2 min readJan 3, 2017


Travel Tuesday: Getting Mischievous in Cambodia | www.girlvscity.com

Happy Travel Tuesday!

Remember last Travel Tuesday when I said I often just snap out the window and wonder what I caught with my camera?

This photo has a similar story — only it wasn’t an iPhone and it wasn’t a bus. This time, my husband and I were in a Cambodian rickshaw headed to The Killing Fields. This was in Phenom Phenh, closer to the killing fields, down a dirt road and away from the main streets.

I’m sure this little bugger thought he was being cheeky and no one would know what he did. We actually saw this happening but I wasn’t sure if the photograph would come out as we were moving and he wasn’t. Sometimes you get the shutter to close in time to snap a photo but you never know if it will be blurry, distorted, or even correctly framed until you can review at a later date.

When we got back to our hotel, I was delighted to see that I had indeed caught the vandalism in action and we had a good laugh over this cutie.

We were also lucky to see the finished art on our drive back. What did he doodle out? A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

Have you ever caught something funny in action? Leave your comment below and share with the other readers a story about your funniest unexpected or expected vacation snap.

Originally published at GirlVsCity.



Dionne Abouelela

Surviving the world one city at a time, CEO of @pennamepublish believer in #happywriting, International Life Coach, dog mom, domestic ungoddess, fake red head.