Make 2018 Elite: Feed Your Passion

Dionne Abouelela
3 min readJan 10, 2018


Girls (and boys that straggle over), let me tell you something: 2018 is your year.

It’s time to feed your passion, drop your worries, your fears, and be a boss.


Yes, friends, this is THE YEAR to celebrate yourself.

One of my biggest challenges was that I feared my passions. I am so thankful for the internet, because you can celebrate your skills and find likeminded members to build a community of positivity. Looking back, I feel silly to have ever been ashamed of my love for creating art, being a book nerd, or desire to see every inch of the world.

My art is my meditation, my books are my work, and my travel is one of the largest influences in my life. Travel has given me inspiration, education, adventure, and experience. Different cultures have changed my views on many topics, and provided me a new lens to objectively view the world.

My number one tip for YOU to help guide you down this journey of finding and celebrating your passions is to fight your fears. I’m going to spend 2018 focusing with you on Feeding Your Passion and Living Without Fear. Yes, I know by all logical grammatical sense, those phrases should not be capitalized. I want them to be capitalized in your life, though.


Unfortunately, my heart broke last year when I found my previous program, ‘Feed Your Happy’, was trademarked by another coach. They hadn’t claimed any of the socials or carrying a visible preference. I was shocked to move on filing my trademark certification only to find out I was too late. This stalled my programs last year, put my Facebook group on hold, but as I see everything now in life, was a huge blessing in disguise.

To move forward, you need to start with two tasks: define your passion and find passionate people.

Don’t fret. I’ve made a fun little printable for you to make some notes and start moving on this new path to a happier, healthier, newer version of yourself.

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD, and share your answers with me in the comments or on Facebook!

Feed Your Passion | Free Printable from

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD, and share your answers with me in the comments or on Facebook!

Originally published at Girl Vs. City.



Dionne Abouelela

Surviving the world one city at a time, CEO of @pennamepublish believer in #happywriting, International Life Coach, dog mom, domestic ungoddess, fake red head.