Mood Board Monday: Bright

Dionne Abouelela
2 min readJan 29, 2018


Welcome to Mood Board Monday!

Over the last year, I’ve been building various mood boards based around specific themes to help with my artwork. This year, I’m going to share one of my mood boards with you each Monday. On Friday, I’ll show you the art work that mood board inspired. This will be part of my 2018 Passion Project, part of my own personal Elite 2018!

Today, the theme is bright. We might as well kick off the mood board project with one of my favorite color focuses. (If you can’t tell, I am absolutely beaming over this.)

I LOVE living in full color, surrounding myself with vibrant shades, and vibrant people. I absolutely love this mood board, the fun emotion, the subtle shades of saturation, and the energy that just smacks you in the face.

I can’t wait until Friday, when you can get a peak at my first pattern!

I’m going to issue a challenge to you: create with me this week! Using the mood board below, create some piece of art this week and share your creation with everyone on Friday. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!



Mood Board Monday: Bright |

Originally published at Girl Vs. City.



Dionne Abouelela

Surviving the world one city at a time, CEO of @pennamepublish believer in #happywriting, International Life Coach, dog mom, domestic ungoddess, fake red head.