Vue packages version mismatch error solved ❤️

2 min readJun 28, 2020


So I was starting a new project and decided to update my Vue CLI version. The update was successful and I went on to create a new project.

As soon as I ran vue serve , I had ran into this error message: Vue packages version mismatch error solved.

After a little googling I found a few posts on different sites and tried a few things but, nothing seemed to work. After clicking on the 5th (I think) post redirecting me to Github I finally found an article that solved this issue.

Note the commands used are for Mac.

So, in order to solve this issue, open up your terminal and navigate to /Users/youruser/.config/yarn/global/ .

When you are there, you have to delete your node_modules folder as well as your yarn.lock file. If you have issues deleting these items from your terminal, you can open up your current directory doing open . and then deleting with the old faithful right click delete.

After doing all this deleting, run the following command yarn global add @vue/cli and then when when running yarn serve again everything went back to normal 😄

This was the solution that worked for me, and I am hope this solves your issue as well or at least steers you in the right direction.




My name is Kim Petersen From the beautiful Cape Town South Africa. I have a great passion for Web Design and frontend development.