Austin Glass
2 min readOct 24, 2018


So are we operating under new definitions of gender/sex as well as science now? Human biology is pretty straight forward you can either function as a female or male. The definition of science has always revolves around the scientific method which is what you can test and prove.

What you are speaking of is more of a social science theory. Social sciences have less strict definitions in regards to what they will consider as fact. They pretty much have to operate that way because the subject they are studying doesn’t exist in a lab. Opinion is a much bigger factor which is why many of their conclusions are reversed as time goes by. It is their opinion that gender is a social construct even though there is ample evidence against that theory.

There is no evidence that our current approach with trying to treat people with gender dysphoria is the correct one. Some seem to approach this subject with almost a religious zeal that we are. Though that religious zeal makes it tougher to make a course correction if the evidence suggests one is needed. If the current approach is correct it would be very odd considering the way that we approach other things successfully.

A person may feel like they were born as the wrong gender though we cannot change their gender other than cosmetically. That process often mutilates them to such an extent that they are no longer functional as either gender. It is a process that is very difficult to then change back and we are hearing more and more reports of people wanting to change back later. Often becoming suicidal as a result.

You seemed to be offended because I pointed out basic facts. I am sorry if you want to put your head in the sand about them, but I don’t feel like it is compassionate to allow people to do that. If someone thought they could fly it would not be compassionate to allow them to jump off of a building. If you are born as a male you are never going to be pregnant. If you are born as a woman you are never going to be able to impregnate a woman. The “pregnant man” on the news was born female which only reinforces this basic fact.

