Hell yeah diversity

GlitchPath Blog
2 min readSep 24, 2015


You’ve probably heard a lot of crap about how important ‘Diversity in the Workplace’ is, and how it ‘Improves Productivity’ and ‘All The Best Companies Are Doing It’!

Making images is probably my favorite part of doing Medium articles.

Well, you’re probably thinking “Okay we a couple women, some minorities, and a lot of white people. That’s pretty diverse.” And I’m not here to disagree with you. Maybe it is real diverse. Good for you. You figured that mess out, I am proud of you.

I don’t want to talk about race and women and my feelings on that. There’s another part of diversity that’s important and we rarely even utilize it.

The Diversity of Ideas

This type of diversity is the variance you’ll get from asking the same question to several different people. If you asked someone something politically charged like ‘What do you think about Donald Trump’s idea to make Mexico build a wall to keep itself out of America?’ you’ll likely get answers from the lauding to the lachrymose.

Take that same line of thinking and apply it to work:

  • How do you think our process to implement the new help desk went?
  • How do you think the new sales process rollout went?
  • How do you think we could improve our shitty volleyball team?

For each one of those, for every person you could get several responses. Hindsight is brilliant:

  • “We could have done a better job training people.”
  • “Misunderstandings around commission caused two top people to quit.”
  • “Stop letting everyone drink 2 buckets of beer before each game.”

What we at GlitchPath want to do is swap hindsight for foresight. We want you to think about failure before it royally effs something up. This is why we want you to run a Pre-mortem.

Why don’t you reach out on twitter and we’ll send you a free kit to do a Pre-mortem on your own at home. Also some pens with our name on them. Or just check us out on the web.



GlitchPath Blog

We help you spot potential project failures and glitches before things go wrong.