Crypto Sage portfolio service.

The Crypto Field
7 min readFeb 16, 2021

A selection of the most promising “alt-coins” for current and future use cases on the blockchain.

Currency as value, value as currency.

An idea, an inspiration, or a function to make life better for society.

Crypto is not merely an investment in the market of BTC or ETH. It’s an investment in the future of culture, finance and scientific innovation.

To better understand crypto investments, from a Sage perspective, we should first recognize that an individuals sovereign value is always protected by universal laws, and never truly owned by a corporate bank or government. Crypto is revolutionary to the foundations of fair exchange, beyond the top heavy control mechanisms of the corporate establishment. With crypto, we do not give away our ownership via third party checks and balances, nor do we leave our wealth in over leveraged markets, credit driven banks, or debt based platforms. Once we acquire crypto we can use it in a variety of ways, and place-hold the various assets wisely behind our own lock and key. No government or bank can claim ownership of this.

These digital “bits” of value, contained within a variety of tokens and coins, actually are vehicles of value that you can park securely behind your own wallet. You may appreciate your “vehicles” by simply leaving them parked for a few years, trading them, purchasing real world products and services, or driving them back into the open market.

Crypto Sage believes the market value is a distraction that prevents an investor from truly capitalizing on the hidden value within crypto… and that hidden value is time. By holding promising assets for years, or utilizing time contracts to produce yield, crypto becomes a lot more valuable than “cashing out” on short term trading gains in the market.

Lets assume we do not want open market dollar distractions and decide instead to take one of our vehicles from the garage and park it somewhere more “productive”, or lend it out over a “period of time” … in exchange for some other value. These deals and arrangements are determined by “smart contracts” on a blockchain where both buyers and sellers agree to specific terms. Your value can now earn more value as you see fit. This is decentralized finance, and it is rapidly evolving with higher rates of interaction each day.

Decentralized Finance is a technology for the people, providing a secure and reliable means for peer to peer value exchange. It is not a network for criminals to launder money as the central banks and IMF want you to believe. Crypto investments are giving the people an added option to invest or exchange value -which gives us membership into a worldwide community of crypto holders and enthusiasts who have essentially taken sovereign control over their money. Some see it as a speculative investment, while others see it as a remedy to the problems of societal disenfranchisement. Somewhere in the middle it becomes a network of real world value.

For the next 5 years the crypto market will expand and contract but always be growing, as more people integrate into its services and the legacy banking system scrambles to compete. Crypto Sage prefers the long easy view for asset growth in a dedicated portfolio of promising projects and coins.

“If assets are purchased with greed, they’ll most likely be sold with fear”

George Gammon. Video: Is bitcoin going to a million or $0.00?

Holders of cryptocurrency are at liberty to trade this value into a variety of other assets, such as dollar pegged stable coins, synthetic stocks, art, DeFi (Decentralized Finance) or digital gold, whenever they so choose, and by doing so on a decentralized peer to peer network, always retaining 100% control of the value.

Platforms within the crypto industry today have established a strong base of reputable use cases and tools that protect and generate further value with no third party involvement. This gives investors the status of being their own central bank, remaining the sovereign owners of their value with the assistance of decentralized blockchain technology.

At Crypto Sage we strongly believe this industry is well on its way to becoming the future of finance and by entering the market NOW, in the most basic and strategic of manners, you will have developed a SUBSTANTIALLY better position than say a year or two down the road.

Our portfolio service is free, for now, in that it will cost you no out of pocket capital for the service of setting you up as an early crypto investor. Our service is covered from a predetermined percentage of the profit margin on your initial investment over a short period of time. (outlined below.) We operate on the principles of sharing, community, and trust, as our clients can attest to this.

Cryptocurrency is currently in a macro bull cycle, which is predicted to last for years. As we are fully confident in the continued rapid growth of crypto and decentralized finance, we can serve you on this model until circumstances say otherwise. Even in adverse market conditions such as what we witness today, certain cryptocurrency is poised to act as a hedge and a safe haven, much similar to hard gold or silver.

As with any investment, we give of our trust. The difference with crypto is we are that trust. We must diversify enough to become our own hedge. At Crypto Sage we work 100% to give you the tools to start managing your own investments with the simplest of advice to start.

What is the Crypto Sage advantage?

Years of research, and we are giving you this for free! We have studied the market extensively and have witnessed the patterns of growth from the ground floor up. Rather than just buying a portion of bitcoin (BTC), or ethereum (ETH), we focus on the small and mid cap tokens/coins that are emerging from the thousands of products on the market. Some of these smaller coins may rise in price by 100x your investment. No guarantees there, but it happens often in this nascent market.

We highly recommend you back up our portfolio selection with Silver/ Gold /BTC and/or ETH as the backbone of your overall position outside the dollar. But thats just our opinion. ;)

The process to acquire your free small/mid cap portfolio is simple. Here’s the outline.

-Onboard your dollars from your online bank via Interac to Shake Pay or a similar company (use this link – > to receive a $10 credit) You can do this as soon as now.(Canada)

-convert dollars to ETH or BTC (congratulations you now own crypto! We just need to give it a safe place to rest, off of Shake Pay),

-set up an internet device wallet,

-transfer your ETH or BTC to this wallet,

-or transfer with Crypto Sage for a portfolio within a 48h timeframe,

-receive and/or download your portfolio off your internet wallet and onto a hardware wallet,

-track your portfolio in real time into the future with provided utilities.

We are here to make that happen, and with our guidance it will be efficient and effective! We will introduce you to the most trustworthy online and offline tools that will protect and track your investment. As with any investment – there are risks, and crypto sage will do everything to help you mitigate these risks. We include up to 90 minutes of direct online guidance with step by step instructions and answers to all of your pressing questions. (Reducing days or even weeks of research on your own.) We also give sage advice on the clear advantages of the long term view of crypto investments over the drama and lack of good sense in the short term view. Trading crypto on a regular short term basis most definitely results in rapid losses, unless you are a professional trader.

To acquire assets one must find the asset on an exchange. Exchanges are either centralized or decentralized. Decentralized exchanges can incur high transfer fees (gas fees) sometimes reaching $50 to make a single swap. This is due to the increased popularity of DeFi which results in network congestion. (This is a temporary hurdle the developers are improving upon.) Crypto Sage has access to a variety of centralized exchanges that mitigate these costs, and will acquire our favourite small and mid cap assets on your behalf, transparently transferring them back into your wallet within hours. You are free to acquire them on your own, but our services are extra for that if you need guidance.

Having designed you a well balanced portfolio, with only the strongest of growth potential, we can present to you additional avenues to put your crypto to work. Imagine instead of just holding your crypto in a wallet, you could park it into smart contracts on the ethereum network for additional gains that outpace it’s market value! We explore these options and point you in the direction of the most reputable platforms within the industry of DeFi, or decentralized finance. (Interest rates can fluctuate high, but typically hover around 15% APY) We can get you on board with our guidance, to one of our many favourite platforms in less than an hour.

Complete our application to get started now! Upon filling out the brief application and signing on to a plan, you will receive links, instructions, and sage advice on how to….

Secure the crypto environment on your device.

On-board and off-board from fiat dollars.

Transfer cryptocurrency.

Set-up crypto wallets and why a few will help.

Utilize stable coins and maximize their use case.

Get an overview of the whole market with news sites and resources.

Ensure that the long game has a major role in your portfolio.

Access the Application and Agreement Here

Once signed on, we’ll get you set up into the green asap.

Terms and Rates are subject to change. Agreed upon terms and rates remain in effect.

