Stepanakert: the bleeding capital of Artsakh

Global Awareness
2 min readOct 5, 2020


Stepanakert is the capital of Artsakh, a small but proud Armenian nation in the Caucasus.

After a 6-year war in the 90s, when it was shelled daily by Azerbaijan, its citizens rebuilt it into a modern, clean, green and welcoming city.

But now, overnight, everything has changed.

Neighboring Azerbaijan is trying to destroy Stepanakert once more, to rid it of its Armenian population.

Children are living in basements. Families have fled to the mountains. Civilians and journalists are being killed. While Azeri bombs turn their city to rubble.

They are deliberately shelling civilian buildings, to erase their 2,000-year heritage, and force them to flee.

For 30 years, the people of Artsakh have been waiting for peace. To be recognized. To be allowed to develop. To work. To travel. To exist.

How much longer will they have to wait?
#RecognizeArtsakh #StandWithArmenia

