Are Stress Management Courses Online a Viable Solution?

Global Edulink UK
4 min readAug 10, 2018


We know what you’re going through.

Stress is the venom that spreads in slowly, without you realising how lethal it could get. So often we do not realise how much it has become a part of our daily lives in one form or another.

85% of the population is a victim!

In a recent study published in the Guardian, it was revealed that every 3 out of 4 Britons have felt very stressed out at one point or the other. See below the various reasons and effects of mental stress.

Courtesy: Forth

Why is Stress So Prevalent?

Various surveys tell us various stories about the causes of stress. But what is key is that the reasons to instil stress are all around us in all kinds of ways.

The biggest stressors!

The biggest reason among those surveyed according to the Guardian’s 2018 study, were health issues such as cancer, diabetes and more while the second most popular reason for stress were work-related issues. Other predominant issues include lack of support, bullying and being compared. See the statistics of 2017 by HSE (Health and Safety Executive) here.

Beware: this is important.

A lot of times, people are unfamiliar to the extent to which stress and tension can damage lives. More often than not, people don’t want to accept that they feel stressful. It is critical to admit one’s feelings for several reasons. See below a breakdown of reasons of stress at work and what it could end up in.

Courtesy: BMJ Journals

In essence, one of the most dominant reasons for stress, depression and anxiety remains to be work-related issues for more than a decade now in the United Kingdom. This poses for workable solutions and methodologies on a personal as well as an organisational level for combating mental stress and illnesses that could result form it.

What to do?

The first thing one needs to do when trying to heal from stress is to come to terms with it. There is no shame in accepting that one can feel depressed or stress out from time to time. Only then can an individual start searching for a solution to his/her problem. Second, you try to work on it at an individual level. And third, you try bringing it to your employer’s notice.

There’s hope

Fortunately these days, there is more awareness about this burning issue than ever. Most organisations and hiring bodies have special programmes or workshops for their employees to deal with stress. A good number opts for online stress management courses that are paid for by the employer.

In short, here are some things you could do to combat workplace stress.

· There is a limit to being strong; learn to accept that you are stressed and its time for you to take a pause and concentrate on yourself.

· Take baby steps toward a stress-free life. Try inducing exercise in your routine, getting some fresh air, getting appropriate sleep, eating healthy, taking time to unwind and relax.

· Don’t be shy to seek help from a trusted person, perhaps a family member or a friend or even consult a counselor if you need to.

· Try bringing it to your employer’s notice. There might be others like you whom you could help by doing so.

Where to Look For Help?

You must have heard no one can help you if you don’t help yourself. But it is understandable if you sometimes don’t know where to start. Even self-help can be a challenge but don’t worry.

We’ll help you.

You must have heard about online diploma courses in stress management. But could they be a solution?

Why not!

Sure they can be. Just be sure that you look for a course that is reliable: in the sense that it’s creators are experts in the field and the online learning academy that you choose is widely trusted. The online stress management training can help you to:

· Realise the major stressors that are present in your life.

· Start dealing with these stressors one step at a time.

· Refrain from mundane routines to help you see life from a new perspective.

· Train yourself for the future.

· Be able to provide assistance to others with similar issues.

· Be successful in both, professional as well as personal life.



Global Edulink UK

Global Edulink is a UK-based company that provides online training courses. Learn more about our online trainings at