D-1 The #Backstage of Global ID

Global ID
3 min readNov 15, 2019


Our next steps

Could you remember our three developed solutions?

#BioID for authentication (identity, diploma, insurance, etc)

#BioLocker for unlocking (workstation, mobile, hotel doors even for automotive etc)

#VeinPay for payment (to replace a credit card, directly with your finger or by securing your payment applications with the 3D Finger Vein)

#Biolocker has already demonstrated its effectiveness in an operational way within the Jura hospital, through 5 scanners that have been tested by the technical and medical teams.

To meet the hospital’s specifications, it is this solution that we are currently refining.

Here is what awaits us in 2020: Hardware and software Evolution

The next steps are to miniaturize the scanner but also to upgrade the software in order to integrate it locally.


By 2020, the size of our scanner will be halved. This work is ongoing with the CSEM of Neuchâtel. This institute is recognized on the international scene for its achievements in microtechnology in the watchmaking sector but also in nanotechnology and increasingly oriented towards fine-tech integrating de facto artificial intelligence.

Even smaller?

We are already imagining the unlocking of hotel room doors and even car doors.

We have been asked to think about miniaturizing technology so that it can be integrated into future generations of smartphones.


In parallel, our scientists are working on a generation of embedded software. To be continued in 2020 and beyond

Near futur

There is no shortage of projects and team members have a plethora of ideas to meet customer needs and anticipate future technical and regulatory requirements.

Tomorrow, it will even be possible to pay only by biometric recognition using our technology, so we will no longer need cards or other accessories to pay, and this in a very secure way without transmission or loss of private data relating to individuals.

VIDEO EUROPE 1 / a future without a password

No need for a password for anything, biometric recognition, as we know it, was already a revolution, but today it can sometimes be scary when it comes to the fact that some people have access to data that we would not have liked to share.

Our 3D Finger Vein biometric identification technology is ultra secure from start to finish, allowing you to authenticate your identity and ONLY your identity WITHOUT ever revealing anything else.

Are you ready to follow us or even join us as investor?

More on our website: www.globalid.swiss

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Written by Yasmina Sandoz

