D-6 The #Backstage of Global ID

Global ID
8 min readNov 11, 2019


The people behind Global ID: Scientists and a multidisciplinary team

The doctor is the conductor of this startup which was created thanks to a solid consortium and personalities with diversified profiles.

ZOOM on Professor Dr. Lambert Sonna, CEO of GLOBAL ID

It is as a true conductor that Lambert Sonna, PhD brings together R&D players, with the many partners involved in this project, whether they are financiers, developers, business contributors or collaborators.

2016 — Creation of Global ID at EPFL Innovation Park

2011 to 2014 — Professor of Computer Security

2008 — Doctor in Information and Security System, thesis at UNIL

2003 — Master in Information Systems

2001 — Master’s degree from EPFL in software engineering

1993 — Bachelor in Mathematics University of Yaoundé

Zoom on Dr. Sebastien Marcel, Idiap Research Institut, Sr. Researcher, Director of the Biometrics Laboratory of Idiap and Lecturer at EPFL and UNIL

Born in IDIAP’s biometrics laboratory, biometric recognition by 3D Finger veins is revolutionary in the sense that it is the first technology to penetrate the living body in a non-invasive way to identify a person. At the moment, the process is still unique and patented.

Sébastien Marcel (IEEE Senior Member) received the Ph.D. degree in signal processing from Université de Rennes 1 in France (2000) at CNET, the research center of France Telecom (now Orange Labs). He is currently interested in pattern recognition and machine learning with a focus on biometrics security. He is a senior researcher at the Idiap Research Institute (CH), where he heads a research team and conducts research on face recognition, speaker recognition, vein recognition and presentation attack detection (anti-spoofing). In 2010, he was appointed Visiting Associate Professor at the Università degli Studi di Cagliari (IT) where he taught a series of lectures in face recognition. He is lecturer at the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne where he is teaching on “Fundamentals in Statistical Pattern Recognition” and at the Université de Lausanne where he his teaching a Master course on Biometrics. Finally he was the principal investigator of international research projects including MOBIO (EU FP7 Mobile Biometry), TABULA RASA (EU FP7 Trusted Biometrics under Spoofing Attacks) and BEAT (EU FP7 Biometrics Evaluation and Testing).

Zoom on Dr. Michael Liebling, Idiap Research Institut, Sr. Researcher, Director of the Idiap Bioimaging Laboratory | Adjunct Prof. UCSB

Idiap’s computational bioimaging group has put its expertise in multiview recording of non-uniformly degraded optical microscopy data, high quality tomographic reconstruction methods, orthogonal 3D reconstructions.

Michael Liebling, PhD, is a senior researcher at I’ Idiap Research Institute in Martigny, Switzerland. His research interests are in the area of bio-imaging, computational microscopy, and 3D image reconstruction. He took part in the joint development (with HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Idiap Research Institute, Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne#LASEC and Global ID) of a 3D finger vein biometrics device and is now part of Global ID’s scientific advisory board. Dr. Michael Liebling est un chercheur senior à l’ Idiap Research Institute à Martigny. Ses intérêts de recherche sont dans les domaines de l’imagerie biologique, de la microscopie computationelle et de la reconstruction d’images 3D. Il a participé au développement (avec la HES-SO Valais-Wallis, l’ Idiap Research Institute, l’ Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne #LASEC et Global ID) d’un instrument de biométrie digitale 3D. Il fait partie du conseil scientifique de Global ID.

Zoom on Professor Pierre Roduit, Hes So Valais Wallis, Director of the ISI/DATA laboratory of HES SO Valais

The laboratory has been specialized since 2012 in the development of vein acquisition sensors for biometrics, producing multiple palm and digital vein acquisition configurations. The innovation concerns the creation of a device to reproduce the venous system in 3D.

Pierre Roduit is a full Professor since 2009 at HES-SO Valais-Wallis and the head of the multidisciplinary Institute of Sustainable Energy, since its creation at the end of 2018. He holds a PhD and an MSc in micro engineering from Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne. His research interests lies in Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Communicative Sensors, and System Design. During the last years he led multiple research projects in the energy and health domain, spanning for medical device prototyping, energy consumption analysis and monitoring, automatic energy advices, grid modelling and optimization, demand-response systems. He worked as WP leader in FP7 demand-response (DSM) and IoT related project SEMIAH, serving as the coordinator of swiss pilot phase of the project. In H2020 project GOFLEX, focusing also on DSM, he served also as WP leader, coordinating the Swiss pilot. Since 2012, he has been working with Dr Sebastien Marcel of Idiap Research Institute on the development of biometric sensor prototypes, to capture finger and palm vein structures. This lead to the 2016 CTI project 3D Finger Vein in cooperation with Global ID.

Zoom to Professor Serge Vaudenay, Director of LASEC at EPFL

The technology developed at EPFL allows private data to be authenticated in a highly secure manner and, above all, to protect sensitive fields that are only readable by authorized terminals. This process protects everyone’s individual freedoms in addition to the basic transfer of data.

Director of #Lasec / Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne Serge Vaudenay entered at the École normale supérieure in Ville De Paris in 1989 with a major in mathematics. He received his PhD in Computer Sciences from University of Paris 7 — Denis Diderot in 1995. He subsequently became a research fellow at CNRS — Centre national de la recherche scientifique. In 1999, he has appointed as a Professeur at the #EPFL, where he created the Security and Cryptography Laboratory with 8 people in his team. He works on #cryptography and the security of #digital information and provable #security of cryptographic algorithms and #protocols, especially in symmetric cryptography, post-quantum public key cryptography, #RFID protocols and distance bounding. He wrote an Essay on cryptography (in French, published by PPUR) and à textbook on cryptography (published by Springer). He was program chair of several research conferences and workshops/ In 2007–12, he was an elected director of the IACR (International Association for Cryptologic Research). Serge Vaudenay has worked in the project Global ID to secure data and protect privacy.

Zoom to Professor Betül Durak, PhD, Scientisit in LASEC at EPFL till Summer 2019

In 2017, she has received her PhD from the Computer Science department at Rutgers University, USA. During her PhD studies, she has worked on many cryptographic primitives for cloud security. Her work involved finding ways to enable search on encrypted databases with a very large dataset. Moreover, she has analyzed the security of NIST Standards National Institute of Standards and Technology that are used to #secure the #databases in #payment systems and analyzed widely-used schemes for range queries on encrypted databases. After obtaining her PhD, she joined EPFL and has been working on various projects such as secure messaging applications, post-quantum cryptography, and secure biometric access control. She met Global ID in LASEC with #biometric access control project. She has developed the cryptographic protocols constructed by LASEC team on javacard environment. Last summer, she joined the security team of Bosch Security and Safety Systems in Pittsburgh, USA, Research & Tech Center as a research engineer.

Find all the scientists who have collaborated on our technology on https://www.global-id.ch/team

The Executive Team

Lambert Sonna, PhD, CEO (see above)

Stéphane Pinto, CFO of Global ID

He was hired by Global ID as CFO to manage the administrative, accounting and financial aspects of the project and now in the startup phase. He maintains relations with acquired investors and answers all questions from new and future investors.

Experienced Finance Manager (Controlling & Treasury) for international groups and Family offices, FMCG, industry and shipping,
He has successfully implemented changes in reporting and accounting ERP systems. He has also set up internal controls and procedures, audit programs and transferred the treasury function to decrease the corporate tax exposure. He manages the Group’s liquidity and assets portfolios. He develops a proactive relationship with lenders and investors. He works closely with operations and management in order to outperform financial results, cash objectives and profitability.

Yasmina Sandoz, Marketing and Communication Manager

She was recruited by Global ID to develop Communication and to bring our technology to the market. Her task is to translate complex skills in a simple way so as to best reach the largest possible community.

After obtaining a Master Degree in Marketing and Communication in 1999 at Université de Lille, Yasmina did a certificate in E-Marketing and Social Media at the “Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne” in 2018. Her capacity to generate enthusiasm around a project is a genuine asset to our company. Before arriving in Suisse she developed the Brand “Je Vois la Vie en Vosges !” in France, creating a strong community with very broad national influence. In concrete terms this involved thousands of projects over the last 10 years linking up economic, touristic, sport and cultural sectors. She developed a large network with international partners, particularly with China. Prior to this, she occupied various functions in Communication, Human Resources and Control Functions by BERICAP , Sciences Po and in the Volkswagen AG in Wolfsburg, and took part in the launch of Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. in 2001.

Guy Sonna, General Manager for Global ID France

He was hired by Global ID to create the subsidiary in France. In addition to giving us a foothold in Europe for access to a large market, this allows us to benefit from its extensive network in the medical and pharmaceutical fields.

  • Specialist in IDENTITOVIGILANCE => make sure that the right patient is receiving the prescribed medication; make sure that the right patient is being collected for analysis,
  • Expert of the ANSM (Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament et des produits de santé) to the National Pharmacovigilance Commission in France.
  • Writer of pharmacovigilance briefs in the journal “Médecine”
  • Knowledge and familiarity with numerous Pharmacovigilance databases: SAFETY MANAGER, ARGUS, EUDRAVIGILANCE, ARIS G, Safety Easy, but also MedDra coding.
  • Industrial Pharmacist
  • Hospital Pharmacist
  • Knowledge of the production, analysis, quality control and distribution stages of the drug.
  • Knowledge of good hospital practices and good official practices in the drug dispensing
  • Knowledge of BPD (Good Distribution Practice)

Are you ready to follow us or even join us as investor?

More on our website: www.globalid.swiss

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Written by Yasmina Sandoz

