D-8 / The #Backstage of Global ID

Global ID
2 min readNov 9, 2019


Welcome to the EPFL campus — focus on the EPFL Innovation Park!

Global ID operates in an environment conducive to success: EPFL Innovation Park

Created in 1991, the PSE — EPFL Science Park — its name of the time, has allowed thousands of projects to flourish, some of them directly resulting from research carried out in EPFL laboratories.

EPFL’s three missions according to the Federal Act

  • Education
  • Research
  • Innovation

EPFL Today


 11,134 students, of whom 2,216 PhD students
 347 faculty
 6,060 staff (incl. PhD)


 666 MCHF from State Budget
 323 MCHF from competitive funding (EU, industry, etc.)


 No 3 in Europe (Reuters)
 No 2 under 50 (THE)
 1st most international university (THE)

Are you ready to follow us or even join us as investor?

More on our website: www.globalid.swiss

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