News from #CES2020

Global ID
2 min readJan 11, 2020


The 2020 edition of the CES in Las Vegas closes its doors on an excellent vintage with more than 180'000 visitors who came to discover nearly 4000 companies.

Global ID had the opportunity to be part of the Swiss delegation and thus benefit from all the advantages of the Swiss pavilion, in terms of logistics and services. For our startup, this is a huge help because it allowed us to be put in the spotlight on the international scene.

Numerous meetings have been organized on the Swiss Pavilion and the most striking are undoubtedly the visit of Martin Vetterli, President of EPFL, who came just to support Swiss startups, but also the visit of Jacques Pitteloud, Swiss Ambassador to the USA and that of Jean-Bernard Levy, CEO of EDF.

Martin Vetterli, President of EPFL
Jacques Pitteloud, Swiss Ambassador to the USA
Jean-Bernard Levy, CEO of EDF

Swisstech was in the spotlight with all the startups present, but also with research entities such as Idiap Research Institute and organizations such as the Cyber Defense Campus.

The return to Lausanne promises to be rich in contacts to be analysed.

2020 looks very promising! Thank you for your confidence.

Written by Yasmina Sandoz

