Templafy-Startup of the Year at Nordic Startup Awards 2018

Global Startup Awards
2 min readApr 10, 2019


“I think Templafy will be a fun party to join this year.”

Christian Lund, the co-founder of Templafy, has answered our questions.

What are you most proud of achieving with your team this year?

“Tripling the business once again and doubling the team with even more amazing talent.”

What do you value most in people? Especially those in your team?

“Ambition (including what goes way beyond Templafy), personal drive and open-mindedness.”

Can you tell us about a customer success story that you are especially proud of?

“I particularly love the stories where we’ve disrupted ways of working for our customers and have added immediate value. One example is how Templafy today helps a global customer in the accounting sector automate daily report-generation for 17,000 employees — a process that used to be very time consuming and full of unintentional errors. Templafy was introduced and immediately cut of 90% of the time spent creating reports. The users love this because they now create better reports much faster. The business is delighted because the admins now safeguard compliance and accuracy in all of these document while saving countless hours at scale.”

In your opinion what are the single best and the single worst things running a startup from North Europe?

“Best: the up-and-coming vibe

Worst: the access to talent as you scale”

What were the benefits of participating in the competition?

“NSA gave us great publicity and some unexpected props from the startup community — something that everybody at Templafy absolutely loved and that subsequently drew a lot of great new talent to the business.

Also, being considered one of the best startups in the region does not exactly hurt attention from potential investors.”

What’s next for Templafy? What do you anticipate most the next year will bring for the company and the team?

“I can’t wait to see how our ambitions plan to expand our international foothold plays out in 2019. Also, we have a couple of life-changing technology updates coming out and it will be amazing to follow how these will be perceived by customers and partners. All in all, I think Templafy will be a fun party to join this year.”



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