GLOBATALENT Podcast with NBA Veteran “Mo” Maurice Evans

2 min readFeb 1, 2018


Podcast 1 with NBA Veteran “Mo” Maurice Evans | iVoox

GLOBATALENT is very excited to introduce our latest podcast with NBA legend Maurice Evans. He retired after spending 9 years in the NBA along with a couple of seasons at European clubs. Known for his strong defence and athleticism, “Mo” played alongside stars such as Kobe Bryant at LA Lakers and even served as Vice President of the NBA Players Association. Here he is giving us an insight into his own experiences within the sports industry and how he became successful as a professional basketball player in the USA and Europe.

He is excited to collaborate with Globatalent and fully understands the pains and struggles that young athletes have from first hand experience. In this podcast, we cover “Mo’s” personal background and character and learn about how he overcame them to be a success. Gaining this insight from an athlete who spent a career at some of the world’s most famous teams (Los Angeles Lakers, Detroit Pistons and Orlando Magic to name a few), we learn how shocking the facts can be about the amount of money that is involved within the sporting world and also how players as ‘brands’ do not monetize to their full potential.

“Mo” has moved into the business world and has now founded Every Level Success and “ELOS Sports and Entertainment” which helps players monetize their brand, he is even one of his businesses clients! His ethos and values within his business ventures made it completely natural that he would collaborate with Globatalent. He wants to help revolutionize the sporting industry and so does Globatalent. This podcast offers the opportunity to understand the struggles of becoming a professional athlete but also the struggles successful athletes have when they retire from the game.

Globatalent’s CEO Sunil Bhardwaj, who also has an extensive background within the game of basketball, conducts this thrilling interview with Evans. Sunil and “Mo” discuss the mission statement of Globatalent and why “Mo” decided to join the project as an ambassador. As well as discussing blockchain and cryptocurrency, the podcast ends with some incredible advice from a true legend of basketball to all future athletes of all sports!

Maurice Evans and Sunil Bhardwaj

