Good vs. Evil

And Brick By Brick, The Road To Hell Was Paved

Glory Anna
12 min readNov 1, 2022
Image By Glory Anna

Good and Evil. They go by many names, creeds, races, sacrifices, and indulgences. But their common denomination is human nature. We are neither inherently good nor evil. Those trademarks are carefully taught and defined by the vast world of manipulation around us.

Every one of us is capable of great service and great sin, but perspective draws the thin, stark line of interpretation. Grays of all shades and varieties exist, but we are learned out of our understanding to make room for the much more convenient truth of opinion. Therefore, we learn how to hide what could otherwise make us stand out for the wrong reasons. We repress those inner demons, as well as the angels, and race to reach all the societal standards of success others deem to make life and individuals worth something.

Desperate to be the richest, the prettiest, and most popular, we forget who we really are and become who they want us to be. Cogs in the circle of life, beating against nature’s conscience to become the commercialized version of what distinguishes moral from immoral behavior: control.

Several years ago, Vickie Hughes and Victor Minus, two high-ranking and well-educated scientists met, fell in love, and began working towards the common goal of solving the great biological puzzle of…



Glory Anna

Writer, performer, interpreter of worlds, creator/curator of awesome piercing the vail of perspectives to take you on a journey of mind/body/power and creation