KEEP MOVINGHow does it feel, staying at home, hoping for the best to come, hoping that the strike would finally be called of? Some will say boring…Sep 27, 2022Sep 27, 2022
TWISTED Everyone turned their face towards Gabriel with a look of disgust, when they found the body…Later that day, Clare with tears in her eyes, reads this word that seemed like an encrypted message " a thousand words from me to you" she…Sep 27, 2022Sep 27, 2022
EDUCATION AND HOLISTIC EDUCATION“Sometimes I feel like I should do this, and then I think I should do that, and then I just get confused" I watched as my sister tries to…Sep 25, 2022Sep 25, 2022
Letter To My Dead Sister.They say "you never know the value of what you have, till you lose it", I'm afraid I would have to agree, I wish we had more time , I wish…Sep 24, 2022Sep 24, 2022
Christianity, Church, Religion and Lifestyle."I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the…Sep 23, 2022Sep 23, 2022
Fear It’s high time we acknowledged the fact about this thing that influences and impact.Oh No it's "Fear", It keeps me from doing what I want to do, Cuffs my hands and chains me to the ground, Fear of tomorrow, fear of what…Sep 22, 2022Sep 22, 2022
LET’S USE OUR POWER RIGHT.Nigeria, “the land flowing with milk and honey" that’s what I have been hearing, ever since I’ve been born, “the giant of Africa" a country…Sep 21, 2022Sep 21, 2022
Explosion of loveHey!! don’t you have manners, Lola shouted angrily at a man who ran into her while trying to rush to get to work, he replied "I’m sorry"…Sep 20, 2022Sep 20, 2022
ONLY ONE WAY OUTHe who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” ― Friedrich NietzscheSep 19, 2022Sep 19, 2022