All roads lead to .gno: Domain registration rules!

2 min readMay 8, 2024

Welcome to .GNO

After much anticipation, .gno domains are finally here — almost! Pre-registration is available to a select few, read on for eligibility details. For those who are eligible, head on over to to secure your domains ASAP.

Pre-registration: Secure Your Domain Early

Pre-registration is open for a limited window — from May 8 to May 15, 2024. During this period, eligible participants can secure up to three .GNO domains on a first-come, first-serve basis. It’s important to note that any registration must cover at least one year.

Eligibility for Pre-registration

Starting May 8, 2024, at 2PM UTC, pre-registration for .GNO domains opens, but it’s not available to just anyone. You’re eligible if you:

  • Claimed a “.GNO Domain Allowlist NFT” from the Galxe campaigns
  • Held GNO tokens as of May 2, 2024
  • Are recognized as a Gnosis validator
  • Hold a Gnosis Pay NFT, which also entitles you to a ‘free mint’ gift card
  • Participated in specific partnership giveaways

These criteria ensure that those who are already part of the Gnosis community or have shown interest through specific campaigns get first dibs on the new domains.

Why Register Early?

Apart from securing your preferred domain name before others, pre-registration comes with significant cost benefits. Those registering for multiple years enjoy a 50% discount on the yearly price:

  • 3-character domains: Reduced from $50 to $25 xDai per year
  • 4-character domains: Reduced from $20 to $10 xDai per year
  • Domains with 5 or more characters: Remain at an affordable $2 xDai per year, with no discount applicable

Public Registration: Open to All

If you’re not eligible for pre-registration, don’t worry. Public registration kicks off on May 15, 2024, at 3PM UTC, just an hour after pre-registration ends. This phase is open to anyone interested in obtaining a .GNO domain, providing a fair chance to those outside the initial eligibility criteria.

Reserved .GNO Domains

To further foster integration and adoption within the Gnosis ecosystem, 135 select .GNO domains have been reserved specifically for partners. This strategic move ensures that key stakeholders maintain a presence that is both prominent and integral to the network.

Stay Connected

For updates, discussions, and support regarding .GNO domains and the Genome project, follow us on our social media platforms:




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