Why Is Kubernetes Ideal for CI/CD and Reinforcing DevOps Goals?

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3 min readNov 9, 2018

In the current scenario, when companies are struggling with setting up their CI/CD pipelines for cloud-based applications, Kubernetes, a powerful open-source platform for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of application containers across hosts, has reinforced DevOps goals and proven to be the ideal solution to CI/CD. It not only improves traditional DevOps processes, including speed, efficiency, and resiliency, but also solves newer problems that comes with containers and micro services-based application architectures.

In a quick interview at the DevOps World | Jenkins World 2018 event with DevOps.com Managing Editor Charlene O’Hanlon, Mike Maheu, VP — Engineering and Strategy, Go2Group, highlighted the increasing demand and conversations around Kubernetes and containerization, and the requirement of “speedy delivery with precision.” The most common question companies ask today is “how can we configure our applications so that we can do CI/CD with containers?” Mike also points out the challenges many organizations face in adopting DevOps.

Here’s an excerpt of the interview.

Charlene: Tell us a little about Go2Group and its services

Mike: Go2Group has been in business for 13 years. We started out in source control management. We partnered with Atlassian 11 years ago. We basically help medium and small companies to develop software better through best practices and tooling. We strategically partner with companies like CloudBees and others so that we can become experts around tooling. We help companies improve not only with development but also agile — the entire requirements to delivery pipeline. That’s why we are here talking about DevOps.

Charlene: Do you get into the trenches with these companies?

Mike: We do get into the trenches. We do analysis and assessment to see what kind of services they require; a lot of large companies are fragmented with their tooling. So, we come up with a strategy. Agile has been around for a while and a lot of companies are good at it. But the problem today is that they can’t really deliver code quickly. They can iterate and sprint but can’t deliver code as fast as they iterate and sprint. So we are tightly coupling the DevOps aspect — the delivery part of it — with the rest of the software lifecycle.

The most common question companies ask today is “how can we configure our applications so that we can do CI/CD with containers?”

— Mike Maheu, VP — Engineering and Strategy, Go2Group

Charlene: What are the biggest impediments for companies in moving code quickly?

Mike: It goes top down. A lot of times there is not a lot of buy-in from the corporate perspective. A lot of the tools come from the bottom and end up with fragmentation. So, there should be a process that couples the actual tooling and what they (companies) are trying to do. Larger companies have multiple software, products, and a lot of different teams. The higher level wants to see across the landscape and they want to make sure that they are able to deliver the changes to their applications. The voices are raised up to the top. And they are struggling with delivering software — when we look at the old school ways of “here’s our application, please deploy in the same environment (sic).” These days I am talking a lot about newer technologies like containerization with Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins Core, and tying things to the cloud. A lot of companies are also wanting to move their on-premise tooling to cloud tooling.

Charlene: Are a majority of these applications and development work being moved to the cloud or are they between cloud and on-premises?

Mike: Not long ago, larger companies — government and financial — were scared of the cloud. The first step was when some of them got onto Git for their source control management and Atlassian has Bitbucket (sic). People started hosting their code outside their fortress. The first thing that large companies agree to put on their cloud are their Dev tools. Its low risk — the best bet to get speed of delivery when we talk about containerization and the power of the cloud to deliver at scale. It’s a powerful thing!

Watch the full interview


For more information, write to us at marcom@go2group.com

Originally published at Go2Group.




Driving business agility with strategic services and solutions around DevOps, cloud and application modernization.