The 5–9 Series: Meet Jenny Oliveira

GoDaddy Life
4 min readNov 22, 2022


At GoDaddy, when we say human first — we truly mean it. Our people are our biggest asset, so understanding their needs is vital, be it within or outside of work.

We care about our people, even when they shut their computers at the end of the day.

This blog series will dive into our employee’s ‘5–9’, where we will be showcasing our employees outside of their 9–5, and deep dive into how GoDaddy’s flexible, human-first approach allows us to focus on what makes us thrive; whether that be a hobby, a side-hustle, or the simplest of things to recharge our batteries.

To kick off our series, meet Jenny Oliveira. Jenny is a Program Manager within the Talent Team.

What does work-life balance mean for you?

Work-life balance is defined in so many ways but to me having the ability to live a fulfilled life outside of my GoDaddy hours is key. I have the luxury of being a full-time remote employee residing in New Jersey, so my days usually start off with a nice walk outside listening to an audiobook — this really allows me to clear my head and start work refreshed. Not having to fight traffic in the early morning and arriving at work stressed is a thing of the past for me!

Work-life balance also means being able to take care of adult chores, like going to doctors’ appointments, running to the post office, or waiting at the DMV without feeling this overwhelming sense of guilt that you’ve stepped away from work.

How does GoDaddy help with this?

GoDaddy has five core values — one of which is to Live Passionately. While other companies don’t walk the walk, GoDaddy lives this and encourages everyone else to live this! Everyone is so respectful of your time and accommodating! Two months into my GoDaddy Career, I can honestly say that everything that was shared during orientation is in fact the truth — We Rock!

How do you wind down after work?

Winding down after work usually includes some doggie playtime outside, then prepping for dinner. I love cooking and enjoy creating tasty dishes. My parents owned a Portuguese restaurant for 25 years and I can say that I inherited my passion for cooking from my mother.

What’s one thing you do to recharge your batteries?

Recharging my battery always includes some sort of socializing, believe it or not. Being a fully remote employee, it’s nice to get out and talk to people in person — whether it be with my friends or my family. I have a niece and nephew who love it when “Tia” (aunt in Portuguese) comes over to play.

What does a perfect evening or ‘5–9’ look like for you?

The perfect 5–9 usually happens on a Friday when the weekend is ahead of me. But during the week, the perfect 5–9 is when I’m able to end my workday on a positive note feeling accomplished, followed by a delicious meal where my boyfriend cleans up, so I don’t have to, then curling up on the couch to indulge in some TV.

Who is Jenny Oliveira outside of being a Program Manager — Are there any hobbies/interests/side hustles you pursue outside of work?

Outside of cooking, I love getting my hands on a good book and loosing myself in it. When I’m not reading, I enjoy anything true crime related. Fun Fact — I have a degree in Psychology and Criminal Justice and wanted to be a forensic psychologist but realized my stomach wouldn’t be able to handle it.

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