Bell Curve of Life Quality and Impact

3 min readJul 11, 2019


The below hypothesis is mine and I have no qualifications in psychology or any experience in related industry. The story is drawn from my own experience and how I view life. If anyone is interested in validating/pursuing the hypothesis further, please leave a comment.

In summary, the Bell Curve of Life Quality and Impact segments the population into seven groups based on how they function in life, how they impact others around them and the magnitude of impact.

This is not an exercise to judge people. It is a purely objective system to better understand where the individual stands. This curve could greatly help someone on a personal evolution journey. This’ll come in handy to comprehend what happened in the person’s life and how they want the future to roll out.

I’ve used the common normal bell curve for the purpose of demonstrating the distribution of people into seven types of roles they play in the world.

Types of Roles & Impact:

General Facilitators: This is the most abundantly occurring impact created by the everyday population that influence each other. General impact generators are the grease that keeps the big engine rolling. They are the economically and socially self sufficient people, generally hold a stable job, own a home and is part of a loving family.

Inert with Potential: These people are still part of the General impact, they have a higher potential to positively influence a larger number of people. But are not tapping into the potential for whatever reason. Examples are business owners, artists etc.

Influencers and Achievers: These people are the influencers and achievers who’ve impacted a large number of people with inspiration, moral support and similar. Some positive impact creators have provided opportunities to others to step into a better life. Examples are athletes, life coaches, business owners and good parents.

Significant Positive Impact Creators: They are the top 1–5% of the population who significantly impact the quality of life for millions of people with inspiration, material and opportunities. All philanthropists occupy this tail end of the curve.

Stale Achievers: These are achievers with a stale mind. They have dark thoughts and they influence others for the worse. They operate from a small minded perspective driven by ego, jealousy, poor judgement, closed mind and basically negative instincts. They are predators in sheep’s clothing.

Negative Impact Creators: These people are conscious of their negative work and take no shame in it. They own their negativity and operate in broad daylight. Sometimes, these people are wired to produce negative impact even if they want to do good. These are anti-startdust people. For example, human traffickers, psychos, thieves and basically anyone with little faith in humanity.

Muted Significant Sufferers: The people in the bottom that are very negatively impacted and have little power of their own. For example, refugees in camps, sex slaves, drug addicts, people in jail etc. These people cannot inflict negativity on others directly. They are helplessly recycle and transmute negativity. Some of these impact recyclers who are flying solo, meet tragic ends. Also, the impact cycle closes here with the ‘Significant Positive Impact Creators’ directly working with impact recyclers to raise the bottom line of life quality altogether.

Most of us fall into the General Facilitators section and transition in one or the other direction, wherever life takes us.

There are a good number of people who encounter the Negative Impact creators and swim against the current to find their way back into general. Some resilient souls claw their way into the Positive Impact Creation tribe.

We are living at a Blessed point in time with social media bringing us together.

Hope this will help someone find where they are and make a conscious decision to manifest the future.

Thoughts are loosely held. I’m going through a phase in life and am writing on medium to pull myself together.

Please let me know your thoughts in comments. Thank You!

