Geocaching In Augmented Reality

GoMeta Inc
1 min readDec 9, 2016


Words by Dmitry Konig

I was introduced to Metaverse in the Los Angeles SubReddit where someone claimed to have found $100 hidden at a Tender Greens in Santa Monica. The user said to follow @HiddenMoneyLA on Twitter for clues about future cash drops. From what I saw, most of the cash drops were found at the location of AR experiences. I was immediately intrigued by the idea of attaching physical items to virtual characters. I managed to convince a few members of Metaverse to give me access to the builder to see what I could do for the geocaching community.

So far I have 144 physical geocache locations plotted in Metaverse and I plan on adding a lot more. Each of my AR experiences give clues on how to find the physical geocache. Experiences in Metaverse can be ‘captured’ from about a 40–50ft. radius of a point, so my geocache experiences will get you close enough, but you’ll have to rely on the clues to find the cache.

In the future, I’d like to start creating my own Metacaches and use the AR experiences to provide more esoteric clues (maybe a combination to unlock a cache, or a password).

If you’re in LA, look for the map icon to find geocaches near you. I’ll update this post when I place my first physical item.

