How To Optimize Your Output & Increase Revenue By Using Koji

GoMeta Inc
5 min readMay 8, 2019


TL;DR — Koji can help your business bring apps to production at LUDICROUS SPEED.

By allowing you to skip the boilerplate and start from modern, standards-based, and portable app templates.

By allowing your team to build & maintain projects from anywhere.

By handling Deployment & DevOps with one click.

By speeding up troubleshooting via LIVE project collaboration.

This lets you make more apps for more clients at lower cost, thus increasing your output and profit margins.

There are millions of people with ideas for apps, games, and tools that they wish existed, but they don’t have the development skills to bring those ideas to market. As a for-hire app development agency, your challenge is to bring these ideas to life in a timely & cost-effective manner for your clients.

Even when it comes to those of us who do have the skills, we often discount ideas because the time and cost of developing and deploying them is too prohibitive to become a worthwhile investment.

In today’s environment, an average app takes MANY MONTHS to develop and typically COSTS $30k — $1,350,000!

Image pulled from

If you could reduce development time, get products to market faster, launch more apps, and spend less money while doing it, you’d have the potential to dramatically increase margins, increase production output, AND increase revenue sources.

This is exactly what Koji solves for.

Koji is an App Development Platform that makes it dramatically faster for developers to build and deploy apps. This innovation is accomplished via these key philosophies.

1. Starting From Templates

Koji templates are simply Javascript projects — we don’t use any proprietary languages or features — so the apps you’re building are modern, standards-based, and portable. Templates let creators focus their energy and resources on turning a generic base pattern into what they want instead of rewriting boilerplate.

When people describe the app that they would like to create, they typically describe it by comparison to something that already exists.

Postmates — “It’s like Uber for food delivery”

Classpass — “It’s like Groupon for fitness studios”

Instagram — “It’s like Twitter but all about photos, no 280 character limit”

Bumble — “It’s like Tinder, but women send the first message”

If the app you want to build is similar to a template that you can clone, then you can focus all of your time on making customizations & modifications instead of writing code that already exists.

Think about it.

How many times have you recycled the same boilerplate code?

Do you really want to rewrite account creation, authentication, profiles, feeds, posts, etc?

Starting from templates gets your app built dramatically quicker, and lets you test many iterations to find the right product/market fit. In addition to reducing production time, it also lowers the level of technical knowledge necessary to build your applications. Templates save time and let you focus on building what matters!

2. An IDE in the cloud

Koji eliminates hardware dependencies by spinning up “remote localhosts” in the cloud and uses a web editor with Monaco at its core to manipulate that host. This Monaco Editor is the same open source editor as Visual Studio Code and Atom, so you are getting state-of-the-art code colorization, IntelliSense code completion, etc.

There are many amazing playgrounds and online REPLs, but Koji is focused on providing a full-featured development environment that takes them all the way to deployment and production.

Koji runs entirely in the cloud and can be accessed via browser from any computer (PC, Mac, Linux, etc) or any tablet (iOS, Android, etc). When you create a new project, your code and all other assets are stored in the cloud. This means that you can even develop on someone else’s computer (a friend’s, in a library, at an Internet cafe).

When you create a project, you get your own Git repo, so you’re able to export at any time or use any other workflow if you choose — later we’ll be releasing a CLI. All projects being backed by Git also allows you to merge upstream changes from the source template, so if there are bug fixes or new features, you can continue to maintain your projects for your clients.

3. One-click deploy

Koji handles production deployment to our partner clouds, reducing premature dependency on DevOps, a place where many ideas and projects die before they even get off the ground.

Koji projects can be deployed with a single click and made available on custom domain names, as progressive web apps (PWAs), Electron apps, and wrapped in native binaries for submission to the Play and iOS App Stores. Projects are automatically packaged and leverage state-of-the-art cloud technologies like serverless APIs and edge CDNs, so they’re as scalable as they need to be.

We are making a bet on PWAs and mobile web.

The future of app consumption will look a lot more like the web than the current native app store model. Some things will, of course, still require the low-level APIs and performance required by native apps. But, generally, this is where we’re betting things are headed. If you haven’t been following this space lately, check out the links below:

Twitter Lite PWA Significantly Increases Engagement and Reduces Data Usage (Google)

A Tinder Progressive Web App Performance Case Study (Match)

Web apps are only getting better (The Verge)

The point is, Koji handles both deployment & DevOps, so you don’t have to.

4. Live help — Google Docs for pair programming

The Koji editor has been built from the beginning to support live, Google-docs style collaboration. You can create temporary collaboration links that let your friends, or people you meet in the Koji community, join your editor session to work with you. When someone joins your session, you’re in the driver’s seat; they can only see and edit the files you show them, so no need to worry about spilling private keys or personal information when you let someone in.

Many developers of all levels find themselves stuck and frustrated with topics they have not learned yet. They spend hours debugging errors, which can lead to wild inefficiencies when developing apps for clients. Live collaboration allows developers to help each other within the project they are working in, allowing your devs to move faster through their production goals.

AND This is only the beginning…

We have a LONG roadmap, and are crazy excited for the future.

Try Koji for your next project. You’ll be glad that you found us.

